Mauro Lacy wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> I don't know why he didn't run.
> He didn't ran because he was a scapegoat. Scapegoats don't run, by their
> very definition.
> It's always better to blame it all on a "lone shooter", than acknowledge
> the corruption within the system.

This is wildly OFF TOPIC, it's provocative politics of the worst sort,
it appears in this message unsupported by anything except your bald
assertion.  The discussion in this thread had to do with Madoff as a
model for scammers in other areas, which is certainly relevant to the
'free energy' field.

However, Mauro's dialectical twist on it is something else.  We have
heard all this junk about the "corruption within the system" being the
root of all evil, very recently, from Grok.  We have no need to hear it
all over again from Mauro.



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