I just came back from another informal UFO gathering, a Milwaukee
pot-luck where two speakers shared fascinating information.

The first individual spoke of his extensive research into the 509th
composite group, the group that was intimately involved in the
dropping of the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What surprised
him as he assembled and interviewed various participants was how
varied everyone's memories were of those momentous events. He
mentioned the fact that recent reunions have not always gone smoothly,
as certain individuals heatedly contested prior events as claimed by
others. The writer/researcher's conclusion: Much of what has been
written and subsequently published in popular books by historians have
quite naturally been extracted from the testimonies and memories of
these individuals who themselves can no longer agree amongst
themselves as to what exactly happened.

Of far more interest to me was the second individual, a UFO
abductee/experiencer. I thought she was an intelligent and perceptive
individual. Her abduction descriptions were the typical "abduction"
scenario: eggs being collected, viewing and interacting with hybrids.
She was also shown images of horrible global disasters that will
happen to our planet if we don't mend our ways. This is all standard
stock footage of the UFO abductee kind. Her experiences are also
multi-generational in the sense that the abductions are now happening
to her daughter, and possibly her grandchild as well.

It is not my objective to either prove or disprove the veracity of
these abduction claims. I will only say that she is among many who
have experienced remarkably similar events - in the vacuum of
cross-checking and collaborating with other "abductees" order to makes
sure everyone gets their "stories" straight.

I will, however, offer some personal eccentric conjecture here in
that, IMHO, attempts by both believers and debunkers to legitimize (or
debunk) these abductions experiences as allegedly "real" (or not)
sometimes seems to miss the mark. I've come to the suspicion that way
too much effort is being put into legitimizing the experience as
physical 3-D events, as compared to simply trying to understand and
comprehend the complexity of the experience itself. I have little
doubt in my own mind, after hearing testimony after testimony that
what most of these individuals are experiencing is REALLY being
experienced. However, to then attempt to legitimize the experiences as
"physically" real, as having happened in the physical sense, I
suspect, is doomed to failure because invariably the experiences seem
to possess unique qualities that strongly indicate (at least to me)
that the experience is operating in a very different sector of
reality. We can debate forever what these other realities and/or
dimensions could possibly be or be comprised of, but that is for
another time.

And now... back to the present:

Here, we already have disagreement among supposedly observant
individuals trained in the rigorous techniques of scientific
investigation and rational deductive thinking within the
Vort-Collective who cannot agree on whether this alleged UFO video
footage is "real" or "fake." I must admit that when I first viewed the
video, it looked "real" to me - even as I puzzled over the fact that
this was the first "ring" UFO I had ever seen. The ringed UFO also did
-seem- to fade away as it abruptly ascended into the clouds. But then
Mr. Blanton had to spoil my creative "reality" by posting the
follow-up denverpost.com article - and suddenly my perspective on the
matter, my personal "reality" of the experience shifted into a
different dimension, a dimension that is the more commonly referenced
one, the one where you and I can operate in collectively, the reality
where we are allowed to post emails and converse back and forth within
in the "physical" sense. The reality I pay my bills in.

In the end, I suspect each and every single one of us will prescribe
whatever "reality" we personally feel is most important to manifest in
regards to what actually transpired. It doesn't matter if it was a
mysterious intelligently operated "ring" originating from a galaxy,
far far away, or whether it originated from a mysterious sector of the
universe known as Wall-Mart. What is more important is the fact that
the experience, its manifestation, has impacted many creatures in
significant ways across our insignificant planet. I think we tend to
lose site of the importance of the "reality" of the experience itself,
particularly how multi-dimensional our personal experiences are. I
suspect that is the true "reality" we actually operate in.

As late author, Jane Robert's, was prone to say many times in her
writings: "You create your own reality."

Steven Vincent Johnson

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