On Jul 22, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Roarty, Francis X wrote:

The June 2009 LENR seminar at University of Missouri presenters kept an
open mind towards the methods employed to produce anomalous heat. The
numerous reports of excess heat manifestations across bubble fusion,
LENR and Casimir cavities are well documented and often replicated but
the physics remains controversial. I propose that all these
manifestations are based on Casimir cavities.

Some brief opinions follow, for what they are worth.

The effect of the Casimir force on orbitals of atoms or molecules in cavities is complex and experiment shows much less effect than expected by current theory. See Ground States and the Zero-Point Field, H.E. Puthoff,Scott Little, Michael Ibison, Earthtech International, Inc., 2000:


The very small reduction in orbital size, and thus orbital energy, due to relief of Casimir pressure would not appear to justify an expectation of significant fusion. I think it doesn't come close to the 1/N hydrino state for N large, and besides, the hydrinos are not thought to require a cavity to exist. These kinds of assertions would in any case require at least some kind of quantitative analysis to be credible.

I must admit to having speculated that a scenario of repeated orbital size changes fueled by the ZPF might indeed produce excess heat. Here's my take on that:


You might find the references interesting or useful in developing your theory.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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