Selected valued comments from the Peanut Gallery.

>From Mr. Lacy

> What you said is similar to what Carl Jung said related
> to the UFO/alien experience:
> "The UFO/alien is an image of the human soul".

You don't say! I was aware that Jung wrote a book on the UFO subject
but I haven't read it yet. I've been so busy doing my own thing that I
forgot that the venerable old doctor had a few things to say on the
subject. Silly me! I knew his work was about powerful Mandelas of the
mind, a concept that resonates for me. Thanks for reminding me of my
next homework assignment, Mario. Much appreciated.

> The excessive belief in technology, science, an excessive
> rationality, in spite of other, more subtle experiences
> and modes of knowledge, and the associated materialism, can
> all be forms of superstition, too.

Well articulated.

Steven Vincnet Johnson

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