Could we all consider the possibility that the sightings and abductions
reported over the years were experienced in a manner that bypassed the five
senses and were sent directly to a person's brain by entities that cannot
effectively manipulate matter and energy but operate outside the "real"
world.  That would explain why we have no authentic UFO artifacts.  Somebody
is trying very hard to make us think there are real aliens in our universe,
when perhaps there are none.  They have a purpose, and it is important to
them that the human race believes in space aliens.  They wouldn't have to do
this if there actually were some.  Maybe the universe to this point really
is an awful waste of space.


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

>From Jed:

> OrionWorks wrote:
>> I'm under the impression that you have not looked into this subject to
>> any great extent.
> That is correct. That's why I asked how many pilots have reported
>> . . . your comments about the reliability of the pilots you've known
>> uncharacteristically anecdotal.
> It is completely anecdotal and not to be taken seriously. However, I have
> met quite a number of weirdo pilots, with very odd beliefs, especially
> who resemble Gen. Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove. So there are at least
> some you should not trust. It wouldn't take many to introduce a little
> in the data set, with one or two reports per year.

I wished I had had the chance to have been introduced to your mother.
I think I would have learned a lot listening to her and subsequently
discussing the subtleties of various perceptions.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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