[SNIP] ? ?So why is this so hard to believe is quite possible, even
probable; by say even a 'future version of ourselves'

[Reply] good point and interfacing with our future selves would explain much
the lack of physical evidence because nature would frame the interaction to
avoid paradox or create an alternate universe of which we would be unaware.
Maybe when the UFO or future selves finally do make themselves known it will
mean we are just an alternate universe :_)



From: Harbach Jak [mailto:ja.harc...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 1:02 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:IreMyth"TimeDialation"


?Did not Einstein indicate the reality of the manipulation of time vs
relative speed?  
? ? ?So why is this so hard to believe is quite possible, even probable; by
say even a 'future version of ourselves' not to mention maybe those who
'terra-formed us' &  who preceed us evolutionarily by maybe several
millions(maybe evern billions) of years?  Some psuedo-thinkers are so
'narrow' that they could see through a key-whole with both eyes at the same
time. . . .~:-O

* * *Hola Amigos;

Sweet falacy & the Humanities:

This morning's caffeine & sugar rush is Great!  
? ? ?And why do most yuppies need their children to act like small-zombies
rather than the EXUBERANT INFORMATION SPONGES that is their really cool
genetic heritage as the top-o-the-food-chain species on the planet~(at

The Humanities are a lovely subject to contemplate as is Hard Archeology &
When we do find 'temporally displaced' objects impossibly placed/out of
place in 'time' we tend to just BLOW IT OFF.  
Enter the likes of master debunker J.Allen Hynek who no rational scientific
mind would be likely to spurn in regards to scientific process nor
Hynek's ultimate stance is history and 'hard-evidence' is so tedious, bland,
and easily shoved off onto some back shelf, so screw it if it cramps our
dulcet humanites theories.  We wouldn't want to upset the applecart
regarding some tenured Prof.'s tried & true,(and boring/by-wrote) lectures.
So much for intellectual curiosity which 'should' be the hallmark of EVERY
How should history regard 'flying shields' that breach the impregnable walls
of the ancient island city of Tyre with 'beams of light; when otherwise the
Macedonian's siege would have likely failed?  Well, thats just 'myth;'
right; but it is duely recorded 'myth' all the same.  And pretty much 'every
other aspect' of the Alexandrian chronicles are considered
'hard-historic-data.'  Those pesky 'flying disks' are always popping up like
piss-ants at your picnic anyway.
And oddly some centuries before that a deluded religious oddball by the name
of Jonah was swallowed/dead & survived/back-from-the-likely-dead having been
in the belly of a USO-oh crap-I mean a sperm whale in the Mediterranean Sea
with bad stomach gas.   And when he got mugged by the Japanese turtle, well
that was just the frosting on the cake------------oh yea!
Aside:  I've found that Japanese tourists with those nice-state-of-the-art
cameras are just as onerous as the turtles anyday.
But after the fish old Jonah just happened to predict the future 'Total
destruction of Tyre;' the fish told him, right? And this all seemed just a
bit of a stretch at the time.  And tenacious as the future Alexander indeed
was, his low tech approach would have required a bit more luck than chance
was likely to avail any plucky conqueror.  Without massive now-modern
artillary and hi-tech air superiority, a modern tank-division or two would
have been hard pressed to breach those ancient massive multi-staged walls of
Tyre. The Nazi siege of Stalingrad in the Russian winter had far better odds
of success than Alexander's Tyre adventure.
?And what in the bloody hell did Ancient Ysraeli Pre-Helenic myth have to do
with Macedonian-Greek Platonically educated WarLords and their belief
system---->?  ?We're to swallow that Alexander was conscioulsy keyed into a
belief in 'ancient Jewish USO-Fish predicting FlyingShield air superiority
back-up; and this centuries down the line for a King & Kingdom that didn't
even exist at the time of said prediction?  
Oh yea,  right, but Alexander went to India and heard of the good old
ancient 'Vimana' wars etc.; but oops oh crap, Al's India thing was 'after'
Tyre.  Oh hell;  we've always got Swamp-Gasss; or maybe just over-educated
into oblivious-credentialitis-pedantis chondriasis, gas.
A la' Carl Jung; whatever injects 'data' into the collective consciousness
at any juncture in history is, as usual, likely to end up as flying turtles
or what-have-you. But does this necessarily 'debunk' the 'exotic/but maybe
exotically real' causitive agent for starting the 'myth' in the first place?
Can legends ever be said to have been rooted in (not necessarily prozaic)
fact?  And is it truely professionally & intellectually sound to out-of-hand
to subject the 'exotic' to the poo-pooing of our erst-while social
And as for much of what is passed off as Social 'science;' it is NOT HARD
SCIENCE but rather spongey & soft science at best.  And who of those paying
scrupulous attention to the pithy ramblings of our
credentialesque-debunkers, have not noticed this?-:  I'VE NEVER MET TWO
they've been contracted for lucre to DEBUNK SOMETHING unpopular-or
embarrassing etc..  So what indeed are they 'expert' at other than their own
'extremely humanly-quirky' MODUS of INTERPRETATION?  And this includes
ulterior motives of $, Tenure, intellectual-hubris, intellectual cowardice,
and sundry other ulteriors of themselves &/or their various employers-often
goverment employed &/or funded.
HARD EVIDENCE: Pilot's testimonies(often military),  exotic accompanying
physical anomolies, hard-radar-targets,  etc. 'ad infinitum' do yet fall
within the range of empirical credibility.   And NO CONVENTIONAL THEORY has
even the SLIGHTEST HOPE of explaining the PROVEN(not myth) phenomenon of
"Spooky Action @ (impossibly vast)Distance" for instance and this IS hard
evidence as well.
So much for the silliness of 'conventional/established' LAWFUL theory.
IRISH MYTH & FOLKLORE:  There was a prince(likely a local warlord's kid) who
happened to be well known to his neighbors and also own a very cool white
stallion to ride. And prince & horse  had a minor abduction 'thing' occur to
them.  An exotic quasi-human female lured the princeling(white stud & all)
into a shimmering silver eliptoid floating 'thing/vessel.'  Horney princes
are an easy catch.  And the guy down in South America had it easy because he
got to come right back and got a 'new set of his own newly grown teeth' in
the bargain to go with his toss in the hay with the wierd-but-horney
hyper-red head.
The Irish Prince floated away into a mist not to be seen again for a couple
of centuries when he was deposited back in his place but obviously not in
his 'time.'  Yea I know Irish Princes speaking outdated forms of their
languange riding White-Stallions & sporting anciently crafted garb, weapons,
and horse-tack are a dime-a-dozen in big old Ireland. And like Bram Bones
these guys spoof the locals all the time.  Everyone knows that the Irish are
B.larney S. Artists extraordinaire and don't kiss the Blarney stone if ya'
don't want the dew of last nights after-closing 'pint's' drainage upon your
lips.  Tourists are nearly as gullible as UFOniks!~;-)
AFTER NOTE:  Budd Hopkin, I believe recorded, some (yea I know) odd post
abduction hypnotically regressed (yadda yadda) undecipherable language from
I believe Betty Andreasson of "Andreasson Affair" notoriety.
Purportedly the 'unknown jibberish/star language' was transcribed
phoenetically and later 'translated' as an ancient form of GAELIC by a
credible/credentialed linguistic scholar.  ?Genetic Memory?Swamp Gas? More
myth, poppycock, & B.S. hysteria?
By the way;  that Andreasson 'Gaelic/StarLanguage message' would make the
hair stand up on end with goose-flesh in the bargain.  But every
social-scientist of any standing well-knows that we homo-sapiens-sapiens
have a specific 'node' within our cerebrum for housing Myth-B.S. and other
forms of fireside entertainment . . . Enjoy!~:-)~JH~


Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 21:41:13 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:More Abductions
From: jedrothw...@gmail.com
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

Let me just add one more example that it is not contentious or politically
loaded. Many Americans nowadays believe that sugar is a stimulant. For
example, they believe that if their children eat sugared cereal for
breakfast they will get a "sugar high" and race around the house causing
commotion. I know some well-educated parents who are convinced they observed
this firsthand.

("Ignoring a common cause" logical fallacy.)

I believe this notion arose recently. In a few generations it will be

- Jed


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