Horace sez:

> Jed sez:
> ...
> > Let me just say this about that –
> > …
> > I think the Grim Reaper responded most eloquently to this volley:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoBTsMJ4jNk
> >...specially about 4:20 into this priceless Monty Python skit. Of course,

> > it’s not just the Americans who are humiliated, the English get their
> > as well.
> > “Hey! I didn’t eat the moose!”

> Mousse, salmon mousse, not moose!   

> Things differ here in Alaska.   People here do eat moose, and eat salmon
> baked, broiled,  poached, fried and various other ways, but seldom do
people here
> eat salmon mousse, or even canned salmon for that matter. 

I stand corrected. My most sincere apologies to all Alaskan Mooses!
Steven Vincent Johnson

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