----Original Message-----
From: Horace Heffner 

I think spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is worthy of consideration  
in relation to cold fusion because (a) there is solid evidence it  
exists and (b) it may provide clues as to how to achieve a robust  
free or nuclear energy process in a chemical environment. This has  
been discussed in this forum in past years. A summary of my comments  
here is provided at:


Yes, we have tossed around some wild ideas in the past.

This piece is a good and relatively non-controversial statement of a
controversial situation - since it might portend or suggest the LENR factor.
If the range of possible explanations and contributing factors were to be
made more complete - then it could also mention several other details:

1) Bifurcation from the mundane "initiator" - The interconnection (in many
of the cases) with cigarettes, alcohol, obesity and season (usually winter).
These would only explain the initiation of the phenomenon, and the
"starved-flame" scenario which "should" then be self-quenching, or else
consume the entire residence. Since that does not happen, we must move on to
step two, which could then relate to LENR, or to ....

2) The hydrino, "hot hydrogen" (Langmuir) or alternative fractional-hydrogen
explanation. Either or which can very likely depend on:

3) A pre-exisiting genetic factor that is little known - and would be
involved with the LENR or hot hydrogen process itself, "after" combustion
initiation by mundane effects, and which could be a factor similar to what
is seen in this video, of a family that has unusual magnetic bio-fields:


Note: the last is NOT offered as a partial explanation for SHC itself - but
only shows that there could be a hidden genetic factor in the accumulation
of certain kinds of metal, in this case with strong external fields - and
that this genetic factor itself is responsible for the SHC effect following
initiation, but has yet to be isolated. This would be true even if the video
turns out to be some kind of hoax.

For instance, if there were found real evidence (transmutation isotopes), in
the analysis of the ash of SHC - or tritium for instance - to suggest a
valid LENR connection, then a genetic trait which might contribute to that
would be a propensity for the tissues (or bone surfaces, most likely) of the
victim to accumulate an "active metal" or catalytic alloy - not palladium,
since it is rare, but possible an alloy of nickel perhaps with lithium or
boron. Plus we suspect that tobacco is an accumulator of radionuclides.
Tobacco abuse is often seen in SHC victims.


It is all fascinating, and if you look closely at only the "mundane"
explanation, it only gets you as far as the combustion initiator, and
possibly the source of some of the radioactivity - but not to the complete
anomaly and unusual reaction, so to speak, which notably does not spread
beyond the victim.

Then - moving a little further afield, there is the idea of a "troubled
soul", but let's not go there. We are already over the top of most "BS
alarms" (including my own).


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