On Oct 1, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

4. Several cold fusion researchers write to say "we think SHC is real and related to cold fusion, so we think you should have papers on it. If that happens I say sure, fine, and upload whatever they suggest.

My two cents is that SHC should be off topic for LENR-CANR.org. Too damagingly controversial. Obviously, it is anomalous science and on topic for vortex-l though. Beyond that, I think it is worthy of consideration as food for thought in designing amateur experiments. Any *robust* energy anomaly is worthy of examination. That is the second most important feature free energy experiments seem to lack, after repeatability, robustness.

What could be more up an amateur mad scientist's alley! Throw random ingredients into an acoustically/electrically/photonically stimulated liquid filled vessel and look for transmutation, radioactivity or massive excess heat.

On May 14, 2009, at 11:32 AM, William Beaty wrote:

Right now at Harbor Freight Tools they're selling a handheld "ultrasonic
stain cleaner" the size of a dremel tool.

These contain a big paired piezo transducer running at 55KHz bolted to a steel "horn." All for ten dollars clearance sale! (down from $25) This
price was at their retail store, not online.

http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf? Itemnumber=96474

The transducer in the above device is a fairly huge thing, like a tiny
version of an ultrasonic welder.  Not for kids, it probably delivers
internal burns. I've seen similar transducers sold on eBay for $50. The driver board has 3.3V logic and 6V mosfets, probably easy to pulse it and crank it up to much higher power. I'm currently drawing up a schematic.

Drops of water placed on the steel tip will spray out as mist. If swept slowly over a polyethelene bag, it welds the sheets together (but a crappy weld, pops apart again if tugged.) If the tip is submerged in water about
5mm away from a surface, loud random screech of cavitation is heard.


For nebulizing water, those "mist fountain" or "ultrasonic humidifier" devices can be found online for under $30. They run at much higher power
than the above device, but run at 1MHz or so.

(((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( ( (O) ) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))))) )
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair Seattle, WA 206-762-3818 unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

I ordered one of the stain cleaners, even though they look to be wimpy, run by 4 1.5 V batteries. I have some giant (about 4" diameter) cylindrical sonar transducers, which consist of about a 1 cm thick cylinder of yellow material sandwiched between cylindrical layers of foil, if I recall correctly. They have been buried in boxes of oddball equipment for years. From the attached leads it looks like maybe they are designed to be stimulated by 1 kV or more. Strange the sound is focused inward to a line, which would even be better than a spot for muti-bubble sonoluminescence. I'm not sure what kind of thing should drive these transducers with though. Might be cool to drive one with a 60 neo magnet 20,000 rpm magneto - powered with steam from highly stimulated boiling soup. Chicken soup that is, of course. 8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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