What they demonstrate, IMHO, is that the SPAWAR pits occur:

1/ when the deposit is dendritic, not when it is spongy, and

2/ when the CR-39 chip is in direct contact with the cathode wire, not
when a 6 micron mylar is interposed

Result 2/ does NOT prove conclusively IMHO that any alpha particles
produced are less energetic than the ~1MeV needed to go through 6µm of
mylar as they suggest, another possibility that occurs to me is that
the material in direct contact with the cathode wire matters, i.e.
that CR-39 induces a nuclear effect and mylar doesn't. Has this
possibility been considered?


2009/10/27 Michel Jullian <michelj...@gmail.com>
> > http://www.earthtech.org/CR39/index.html
> I don't know if he has read them but I pointed Abd to the Earthtech
> results too, very early on. Not because they disprove the nuclear
> origin of the SPAWAR pits, which they don't

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