Michel Jullian wrote:

(Abd . . . is obviously not on a crusade against the WL theory) . . .

More to the point, no one anywhere is on a crusade against any cold fusion theory. The whole notion is ridiculous. People who disagree with a theory simply ignore it. They may make a passing remark ridiculing or dismissing it, but I do not know anyone who goes around crusading against theories. Why bother?

It may be that a few people who spend a lot of effort disputing the Mills theory. I have heard there are some on the Mills discussion group. But that is an unusual case. That theory attracts a lot of interest. As far as I know no one is interested in the WL theory except W&L. That does not mean it is wrong. I have idea whether it is right or wrong, but I can see that it is unpopular and largely ignored.

Famous theories outside of cold fusion such as special relativity and natural selection attract a great deal of criticism. That is a different story.

- Jed

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