Hi Mauro,    10-25-09

I just prefer particles; I don't "believe" in them.
Ray Tomes, owner of the Cycles Group, goes futher than
than what you suggest:  Ray proposes that matter, in any
form, is a standing wave,  I also like Dirac's epos, as
explained on Vortex by Don Hotson -- a plausible mechanism
for action-at-a-distace across the universe.

Theories should be judged by the design equations and
inventios they facillitate; natural selection will pick
the winners.  The downside of any theory is the restriction
of experimentation.

Jack Smith


Mauro wrote on 10-24-09:

Thank you for your comments and opinion. I can assure you
that the theory is the (by no means final) result of much
thinking and serious reflection.

I have read about Le Sage gravity, but as I said in the
past, I think the carrier of gravity is similar (or even
the same) as the carrier of electromagnetism: a form
of wave, but longitudinal instead of transverse. My
recent idea is that electromagnetism, which is
"carried" by transverse waves, "converts" partially into
gravity(longitudinal waves) under the right conditions of
"pressure" or density, and interaction. The result is a
kind of stationary longitudinal wave that produces the
observed effects of gravity.

Regarding particles: in my opinion, particles are
the fiction, which arises as a result of our world
view, i.e. from our usual tendency and familiarity
to think in terms and ideas like those of "thing" and
"object". Protons, electrons, neutrons, etc. are for me
very specific forms of movement, in the form of waves
and vortices. And that which is moving is at the same
the fabric of the world(the ether, if you like), and
its substance.

Regarding the concept of carrier particles, like photons
and gravitons, it is clear to me that, in the case of
the photon, we're in the presence of something like a
pulse or wave train(a discrete number of waves), and
that we assume that wave train to be a particle, and
to act like a particle in its interactions with other
"particles". Photons are mainly travelling(propagating)
waves, while electrons and protons are (mainly) rotating

So, photons are the propagation of discrete transversal
wave trains, and gravitons (if they exist) will be the
propagation of forms of pulsating(longitudinal) movement in
the fabric of space, in the form of discrete longitudinal
wave trains.



Taylor J. Smith wrote:

This is a neat theory.  I like to think that forces are
applied (mediated) by particles (a "field" is a fiction
useful for calculations).  So, gravity is a push (by
gravitons) as proposed by Le Sage -- does this work with
your theory?

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