I have heard that with time dilation and a 1G acceleration the galaxy opens
up and going anywhere is feasible although by the time you get there the
earth may be populated by Apes ;)

Of course I don't believe that C is the speed limit but whatever...

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>wrote:

> Just another point of view follows.
> Using 54,500,000 km as the shortest distance to Mars, see:
> http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_shortest_distance_from_earth_to_mars
> http://tinyurl.com/ygtgsqw
> a ship would have to accelerate half the distance, 27.25 million km and
> decelerate the other half.  Assuming acceleration is 1g and ignoring
> relatively small adjustments due to the 17.5 km/s difference in earth vs
> Mars speed, we have:
>   d = (1/2) g t^2
>   t = (2 d/g)^0.5 = (2 * 27.25x10^6 km/g)^0.5 = 7.45548x10^4 s
> to go half way, and thus 1.491x10^5 s to go the full distance, or about 42
> hours.  Peak velocity Pv would be about:
>  Pv = g t = 1.462x10^6 m/s, or 1,462 km/s, or about 3.27 million miles an
> hour.
> The model by which the device is said to work looks bogus. I think if they
> knew why and how it actually works they could produce a much better W/a
> ratio.  The device applies force to vacuum elements.  Their theory predicts
> a change in acceleration with velocity. I think this is nonsense. Either the
> device doesn't work at all in space or its thrust, as perceived by the
> occupants, does not vary with velocity.
> A 1 g device should be able to accelerate right on beyond c, and thus go
> anywhere in the universe.  The occupants would feel the 1 g acceleration
> though, and that is a good thing.
> The time to light speed T2 at 1 g is:
>   T2 = c/g = 3.057x10^7 s = 0.968735 years = about 11 months 20 days
> I have no idea what this might mean in terms of what would happen if they
> should hit some atoms along the way though, as the atom apparent mass might
> be infinite.  Also, the mass presented to the incoming atoms would be
> infinite.  A practical case of the irresistible force and the immovable
> object paradox?
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner
> http://www.mtaonline.net/~hheffner/

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