I wrote:

Surely you realize the DIA report is NOT about to be ignored.

It is not being ignored but it may not have a big impact. So far, 136 people have downloaded it from LENR-CANR.org.

I realize that it may be having an impact inside the government. I wouldn't know anything about that. All I can measure is whether it is causing excitement on the Internet and among LENR-CANR readers. My other comments apply to government decision makers as much as to the public. With regard to a scientific claim, it would be odd if decision makers are more influenced by an intelligence analysis than by scientific papers.

Odd but not unbelievable.

I said, "I am not knocking Ms. Barnhart but after all Storms et al. know a heck of a lot more about this subject than she does . . ." Then again she did get advice from some heavyweight experts and people from many agencies:

"Coordinated with DIA/DRI, CPT, DWO, DOE/IN, US Navy SPAWAR/Pacific and U.S. NSWC/Dahlgren, VA."

She is a smart cookie. This report does speak for experts in many agencies. Plus, you can see it was not thrown together overnight. As I said, we have melancholy proof that it was written before November 1, when poor Andrei died.

So maybe it will have impact. It sure can't hurt!

- Jed

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