The following style graphic is now available for Zr, Pd, Al, Ni, Ti, and Ca:

Energetically Feasible Ca LENR Reactions Creating Only Stable Products

Combined Fusion Product Data for Ca + n D reactions

                                    Relative Percent
      Abs.          0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100
  Z  Percent     El.|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
  1   8.389      H  |**********************************
  2  12.027      He |*************************************************
  3   2.347      Li |**********
  4   1.035      Be |*****
  5   1.729      B  |********
  6   3.716      C  |****************
  7   2.033      N  |*********
  8   4.156      O  |*****************
  9  00.644      F  |****
 10   2.862      Ne |************
 11   1.246      Na |******
 12   4.638      Mg |*******************
 13  00.631      Al |****
 14   3.767      Si |****************
 15  00.842      P  |****
 16   4.983      S  |*********************
 17   1.662      Cl |********
 18   1.784      Ar |********
 19   4.451      K  |*******************
 20  11.866      Ca |************************************************
 21   9.751      Sc |****************************************
22 12.624 Ti | ***************************************************
 23   1.554      V  |*******
 24   1.263      Cr |******
                    0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100

Note: the above data excludes fusion with more than 4 D. It is weighted
      by source isotope abundance, the square of the ratio of fusion
      energy to deflated hydrogen binding energy, and inversely as the
      square of the number of deuterons fused.

This graph type is located on the last pages of:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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