What is relativistic velocity of earth to micro and nanoscopic material in
space? I don't recall the earths orbital  velocity but know M&M were
counting on it in their experiment and then there are also numerous other
frames of motion (the solar system through deep spac etc..) Wouldn't we
expect most free floating gas in space to have a large relative motion to
earth on the order of micrometeorites? My point is that shouldn't we
consider most matter that intercepts with our moving atmosphere to be
relativistic?  Maybe not as high as the fractions of C of hydrogen from the
corona but certainly still enough to generate Lorentzian contraction to
produce lesser fractional states. I still say the biggest hurtle will
begetting skeptics to accept relativistic contraction inside a stationary
catalyst! If they can accept "equivalent" motion from a deep G well
producing relativistic effects then they should be able to comprehend
"equivalent" time due to Casimir force doing the same thing. In both cases
it is relative motion between space and time - only the axis has changed to
protect the innocent.



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