-----Original Message-----
From: Horace Heffner 

> Cosmic rays are isotropic.  At the surface their effect is not  
isotropic due to a slight east-west bias due perturbation of cosmic rays by
the earth's magnetic field, however diurnal *flux* variation  is small ... I
think it is neutrino flux that varies daily due to the sun ...

Yes. Thanks. I'm guilty of lumping the two (neutrinos and cosmic rays)
together - both of them being possible triggers for LENR, and yet they are
very different... the correction is important as it means a diurnal
variation is probably neutrino-based, no?

In theory, the solar wind should not be a factor... unless ... 

Aha! Time to get in the obligatory f/H or fractional hydrogen scenario.
There could be a population of f/H from the solar corona, as Mills has
claimed - and arriving with solar wind - and having the property of small
size and inertness that could make them catalytic...


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