Steven: I'M STOKED(in earnest)  As your work in this area bears(large)fruit 
'you' will probably have the 'bottom-line' in 'fractalizing-shortening' the 


My less-than-efficient 'Germanic-Run-on' style is mostly brain-fever conversing 
over these 'themes' through the 'wee-hours' and needing to commit the concepts 
to the key-board/screen before I lost them.  In short; 'thinking-outloud' is 
not always the best; but I found out from YOU where it's 'really-going' because 
of it. (that's a definite plus!)


Short-Answer: Yea yer right but methinks that YOU are the mainstream for the 
future on this NEW FIELD whose 'time' has ARRIVED!~:-)  Looking forward to more 
from you. . . Jack


> > Bottom line: Your 'pscyo-intuitive' cognizant pattern-
> > recognition MIND bears much more accepting-as-relevant,
> > & with full-credence than we have been trained to
> > recognize. It all 'fits.' DO THE MATH. Get in touch
> > with your INNER-TESLA
> Ah... yeah, I think I agree with you on that one.




> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 14:56:13 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:!It's Alive!-TachyonCarrierDATA-SHEET/aka Aexo-TCW-OmniWave
> From:
> To:
> Jack,
> Occasionally I see concepts expressed in your essays for which my
> limited cranial capacity has the capacity to follow, more-or-less. For
> example, in your latest post you mentioned the design of a simple
> antenna based on a fractal design... presto we end up with cell phone
> technology with excellent reception without having to attach a six
> foot long wire snaked down a pant leg. Yes, indeed, who would have
> figerred that one would'a werked!
> Over the years I've personally explored a number of celestial
> mechanical problems by writing computer simulations. Perhaps working
> at the Space Astronomy Lab at the University of Wisconsin back in the
> 80s helped spark my interest in the field of astro-physics, but who
> knows. I was already a sci-fi enthusiast long before I was hired to
> write computer programs at the Lab. I wrote GSE programs (Ground
> Support Equipment) primarily in the FORTH programming language for the
> purpose of analyzing telemetry received from a package that eventually
> flew in a couple of Space Shuttle missions. (It was called "Project
> Astro")
> Let me forward to the present.
> I have found myself fascinated by the amount of patterns generated out
> of chaos introduced into the simplest of computer models, like a
> single satellite (a moon) orbiting a planet. Wolfram (of Mathematica
> fame) has already written an extensive treatise on similar subjects
> concerning chaos and fractals. Indeed, there is so much more research
> that is needed this area. I discovered interesting patterns and
> characteristics that I would have never perceived, let alone
> comprehend had I not performed extensive... and I mean EXTENSIVE
> computer simulations. I didn't limit my simulations to using the
> classic Newtonian iterative square of the distance law. Besides the
> classic 1/R**2 algorithms I also tried all sorts of alternative
> combinations including 1/r, 1/r**3, and constant forces. Each new
> variation introduced additional surprises and unexpected patterns.
> Lately, my studies into the celestial mechanics arena may be on the
> verge of branching into a whole new arena of exploration as I begin
> pondering how I would go about performing simulations based on
> positive and negative charges, and by association, magnetic attraction
> and repulsion principals. I have no idea where this new branch of
> exploration might eventually lead me, or truth be told, whether I'll
> have the cranial capacity to design the necessary code. I know it will
> involve a lot of trigonometry and lots of algorithms utilizing
> interpolation techniques. If I do succeed in writing reasonably
> accurate code that will allow me to explore these basic physics
> principals, I suspect I'll probably in for additional surprises. Lucky
> me!
> One thing I have learned in my own personal research, such as in
> regards to my celestial mechanics work, is that using lots of complex
> multi-worded omni-techno-terminology didn't help me all that much in
> my occasional attempts to explain to otheres what it was that I was
> trying to do. Other than impressing myself - because I could use lots
> of OMNI-scientific-like terminology, I noticed that the only
> individual who seemed duly impressed was me.
> Despite my diatribe deliberately aimed at your expense, I find myself
> pondering the truly profound ramifications of your last statement:

> Really!
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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