At 07:39 AM 3/26/2010, Michel Jullian wrote:
No wonder, the cold fusion experimenters say "my cell makes excess
heat" but they won't let skeptics see it with their own calorimeter.

I intend to fix that, you know. Except the first cells won't be calorimeter-ready, they might not generate anough heat, that would take a different, and more expensive design, I suspect. I'm just looking for neutrons. I know, boring. Who can solve the energy crisis with a few neutrons? Part of the point about CF is that it doesn't generate neutrons.

Well, usually not. Isn't it the exceptions to the rule that are fascinating?

If I had a cell that was capable of serious heat generation, I'm not sure I'd turn it over to a "skeptic." I'd try to find someone reasonably neutral. (i.e., someone *normally* skeptical but dedicated to fairness and honesty and careful work.)

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