Michel Jullian wrote:

Duncan didn't bring in his own measurement system so he didn't see the excess heat for himself.

Oh give me a break.

That's ridiculous. The technique was replicated as SRI and ENEA. CBS sent one of the world top experts in calorimetry to confirm it. What more do you want? Do you seriously think that Scott Little with his MOAC would provide better confirmation than this?

Are you suggesting that Duncan can't recognize when an instrument is malfunctioning? Or that they might have fooled him with fake instruments? That is like suggesting that you could fool me into thinking someone is speaking Japanese when they are speaking gibberish. I can tell. It is my second language. Rob Duncan speaks calorimetry the way Edward Seidensticker spoke Japanese.

You come up with such improbable reasons to disbelieve these results! You are grasping at straws, the way Dieter Britz does. One day you imagine that Rossi has somehow crammed $60 million of plutonium into his cell, and the next you tell us that the world's top expert in calorimetry may be so incompetent he doesn't know amps from volts. How else can someone mistake 0.8 W for 20 W?

- Jed

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