
I object to the heavy Krivit bashing, it is not called for, even if
the evidence for the 24MeV heat/He was solid enough which I don't
think it is. And he is free to present his graphs as he pleases in his
slides, especially if he directs the reader to a more complete graph

In fact, I was wondering, who cares about the heat, helium production
alone is an indisputable proof of LENRs, isn't it?


2010/3/31 Jed Rothwell <>:
> Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
>> I don't agree with Rothwell that a truncated graph is never acceptable,
>> but using it to create an exaggerated impression is indeed reprehensible.
> If you truncate the graph, you should say so: "graph is truncated from
> original." Also, never remove the numbers from the axes.
> Even if you do not intend to create an exaggerated impression, people like
> me will assume that is your intention. You have made a naive mistake. So
> don't do it without a good reason, and state your reason.
> - Jed

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