Michel Jullian wrote:

I object to the heavy Krivit bashing, it is not called for, even if the evidence for the 24MeV heat/He was solid enough . . .

My objection has nothing to do with the 24 MeV issue. I object to sloppy, biased reporting, and amateur mistakes such as removing the numbers from graphs.

. . . which I don't think it is.

You are wrong. But don't take it personally.

And he is free to present his graphs as he pleases in his slides, especially if he directs the reader to a more complete graph elsewhere.

And I am free to point out this is stupid trick often used by people who want to Lie with Statistics, even with a more complete graph elsewhere.

In fact, I was wondering, who cares about the heat, helium production
alone is an indisputable proof of LENRs, isn't it?

In my opinion, the heat alone is proof of an non-chemical reaction, and fusion is the only plausible candidate. Also, given the difficulties of measuring tiny amounts of helium, only the correlation of heat and helium are indisputable. Hypothetically, if a much larger LENR reaction could be generated, and it produced far more helium any reaction heretofore even if it produced no heat I suppose it would be indisputable. In reality, that reaction would also produce heat.

- Jed

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