I agree with Lane.  Energy has a gravitational effect.  The gravity associated 
with all of this zero point energy would
warp space and Hubble's constant would be much greater.  The mamoth zpe field 
is not there, sorry.


-----Original Message-----
From: seattle truth <seattle.tr...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, Nov 15, 2010 3:28 pm
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:speed of light = transmission speed of the 
crystals phonon vibration

Peace Fran,

Purely through the monocle of Occam's razor, which seems more likely?

A) That zero-point energy is bleeding through from some other dimension / 
universe  wherein either conservation of energy laws don't apply, or to keep 
our atoms spinning, we are literally stealing all of the energy from their 
dimension / universe... And when it runs out all of our atoms will start 
following Newtonian physics laws again... 


B) That atoms retain a zero-point energy because the valve to let them release 
energy (photons) is turned off (by impedance mismatching).

Like I said in the video series. It's 2010. Its time we get past relying on 
"magic" (i.e. energy coming in from another dimension) to explain how an atom 
works. Magical explanations seem rather antiquated to me.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Roarty, Francis X <francis.x.roa...@lmco.com> 

                Your view of ZPE seems too narrow, If you accept  HUP you are 
also talking about Zero Point Energy  – gas does not freeze at 0 Kelvin –it 
remains liquid as a result of some energy source, hence the name zero point 
energy. I happen to favor the Puthoff model where the energy is imparted from 
an EXTERNAL  ether  but I can live with your model of energy being INTERNALLY  
imbedded in the matter itself –it really becomes just a matter of semantics in 
my model because energy is imparted from a NONPHYSICAL  dimensions intersecting 
with our spatial plane in the same Pythagorean relationship modeled in the 
Gamma formula. This non physical dimension becomes a tower of Babel for 
theorists when discussing displacement or time – I see numerous connections 
between different theories presented on this forum but too often people become 
myopic or feel offended by ideas they perceive as competing.
Best Regards

From: fznidar...@aol.com [mailto:fznidar...@aol.com] 
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 10:53 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:speed of light = transmission speed of the crystals 
phonon vibration


I don't do anything with the Casimar force and zero point energy.  According to 
that model the atoms radiate energy and this energy is replenished by in inflow 
of zero point energy.  I say that the energy is in matter and is stuck there 
through the action of an elastic discontinuity..  It only flows out during 
transtion.   I  don't invoke the Casimir principle to slow light during the 
process of quantum transition.  I say that the permeability of the medium 
increases the strength of the gravitomagnetic field.  A slower velocity is 
required to conserve momentum as the strength of the gravitomagnteic field 
increases.  This effect and the fact that wavefunction collapses at 
superlumeinal velocities (neg grav potential=positive energy) are my arguments 
for an increased strength of the gravitomangetic field during transtion.  The 
matching of velcoticies mechancial and electrical are also arguemtns that the 
strength of the magnetic component of the forces equalsizes. I produced the 
probability of transition from this arguement.



I don't understand your twin paradox thing.  What I say is the phase angle 
between the potential (electric etc.) and kinetic (magnetic) competents 
produces the effect that we know as Special Relativity.  Linked below.






I do my own thing quite different from the rest of the world and noone 
understands me either.  I seemed to have developed a cult following as of late 
and even I know not what they are doing.


-----Original Message-----
From: francis <froarty...@comcast.net>
To: fznidar...@aol.com
Cc: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, Nov 13, 2010 6:58 pm
Subject: [Vo]:speed of light = transmission speed of the crystals phonon 


               I see some common ground between a relativistic interpretation 
of Casimir effect and your suggesting that the  speed of light inside a  
lattice can slow down to the transmission speed of the phonon vibration. I 
think that Naudts’ proposal for relativistic hydrogen may well be the surfer in 
your analogy where suppression of longer wavelengths forced time smaller to 
make the fluctuations fit within their confinement. We only see that the longer 
wavelengths seem to have been replaced with shorter ones but if time changed 
(Hotsons basic time quantum) to make the fluctuations appear shorter then 
everything inside the suppression area is equally translated. This would be 
equivalent deceleration – still a huge dv relative to us but it is we outside 
the lattice rushing away at the normal speed of light and coming back only 
minutes later (from our perspective) to find the hydrogen or other reactants at 
the slower speed of light having aged like the stationary twin in the twin 
paradox –  It seems counter-intuitive that hydrogen and deuterium are 
“accelerated” from our perspective even though they are spatially confined and 
measure in degrees kelvin.  IMHO this is further evidence of relativistic 
effects and equivalent  acceleration – the observers remain spatially adjacent 
but time slows (energy density is reduced) inside the lattice. The observer/ 
surfer/hydrogen atom suppressed inside the lattice sees no change in it’s 
spatial landscape like the space faring twin it is unaware that it’s world line 
has changed. It’s motion now occurring more and more on an axis that is 
unobservable to us and like the returning twin only measurable when the 
observer returns to our frame outside the lattice for comparison. 



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