Yes, gas atoms do see themselves as totally normal inside the cavity, and time 
is accelerated by an enormous factor inversely proportional to the cube of the 
spacing between Casimir plates which act as a reservoir. The difficulty is our 
macro concept of equivalent acceleration may be hiding the scope of these 
forces at the smallest scales where time and space can transform with changes 
in energy density. The video by Jon Philips we discussed previously: you replied that[snip] this guy has 
proven that he can read and understand Mills. ;) The bit about
infinite electric fields is straight out of Mills. Regards,[/snip] .... Which I 
don't disagree with but in addition to his rehash, he also elaborates on how 
these opposing infinite fields overlap and mostly cancel out except for the 
very local space time between the physical matter associated with these 
infinite fields. What we see at the macro scale may only represent a small 
shadow of these forces after they cancel and average to a tiny bias we describe 
as gravity/equivalent acceleration. My point being that accelerations, although 
negative, might be on a scale we normally associate with black holes and have 
time dilations up to the 1E80 to 1E100 year challenge of tunneling. As for 
slowing or accelerating we aren't talking spatial acceleration but rather 
equivalent acceleration contributed by the plates and that acceleration is 
negative forming a gravity hill vs a gravity well. If we outside the cavity are 
the reference point then we would appear to be accelerated to near luminal 
velocity relative to the hydrogen inside the cavity. It ages greatly from our 
perspective but instead of us returning from a spaceship to earth, it is the 
hydrogen returning to our inertial frame from a negative equivalent 
acceleration inside the cavity - I won't say deceleration because we tend to 
think of deep space as the zero reference and the cavity is using the reservoir 
to create a venturi negative to that reference. 


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 9:29 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:More on Ni-H LENR

In reply to  francis 's message of Thu, 6 Jan 2011 07:08:10 -0500:
>               I like the idea of reacting with clusters but you know my
>bias toward a relativistic solution where those clusters see themselves as
>normal h2 while from our perspective they appear greatly accelerated and
>much smaller 

If they appeared smaller from our external perspective, but not from their own
internal perspective then they should see themselves as separated by the normal
distance and the reaction rate would be the same. IOW tunneling would take 1E80
to 1E100 years. To make that happen in ordinary time from our point of view you
would need to speed time up by a vast factor.

Robin van Spaandonk

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