Congratulations are due to Piantelli, Focardi and Rossi
and their supporters

In one of his patents, Piantelli describes a cleaning process
of the nanometric nickel- vacuum 10 exp -10 Torr, 350 deg
Celsius, pllied at least 10 times. That's drastic, isn't it?

Now, patents are the mythical variants of the real processes
but this is an indication of a really thorough cleaning. Patents
describing *products *are reliable in principle, those describing
*processes *fantasies, exaggerations and omission- of the
critical know how elements. Believe me I know this from experience
not only from books.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Peter Gluck <>
> wrote:
> > Removing those poisons is a "sine qua non" condition for CF, a necessary
> > condition but it is not sufficient.
> I must admit, it certainly explains many issues including
> reproducibility of experiments.  Does Dennis Cravens concur that it
> was laser ablation of impurities which enhanced initiation?
> Congratulations, by the way, to you and all LENR researchers.
> Terry

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