We are talking past each other. 


The operative word is "proof". Since even Focardi himself admits that he is
not permitted to see inside the reactor, and since chemical reactions could
provide this level of excess for a few hours, or since an fairly safe alpha
emitter could provide it for longer - and since no one can be sure that the
reactants have not been replenished periodically - there is no firm proof


Don't get me wrong, I do think he has something. But why not let's all get
on the same page and clear the record before the skeptics do it for us?


BTW - I also think that Randell Mills has something valid and similar. Are
they different? If nothing else, maybe Rossi will force Mills' hand.





From: Jed Rothwell 


Jones Beene wrote: 

I strongly suggest that nothing . absolutely NOTHING . seen so far, proves
that he does have it. I think he does, but that is only based on things not
in the record.


Well, I do not speak Italian, but based on the blogger's comments and the
caliber of the people who worked on this project, I disagree. I would say
there are plenty of technical indications this claim is real. 



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