FWIW. I found this at:

I asked a contact from Italy check the videos and documentation
last night (the contact knows the Bologna university very well).

Summary: Rossi just has a black box where the university
scientists are not allowed to look into (hey, patent pending, you
know). Only measurements from outside are allowed. For example: to
check the gamma-radiation Rossi has provided a special hole on one
spot of his machine, and only there the radiation may be measured.

The university scientists are 'used' by Rossi to provide
acceptance for his in invention. Maybe one scientist is involved
in the scam.

During the first of the three videos the camera also turns to the
invited professors and university board, naming them specifically.
My contact was laughing, telling me that in Bologna the higher
level management has only their positions because of family or
politics, and that those 'professors' have no clue about the
physics involved. But they really like publicity.

Conclusion: this looks very much like the demonstration of the
magnetic machine in Delft University (Netherlands) last year,
where scam artists are using the naive openness of scientific
University staff to create credibility. While they are not willing
to show what's inside the black box (patent issues), not even to
the people doing the experiments.

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