a) It would appear that if the water is just boiling (the expelled fluid is
<1% steam), it is already slightly over unity, assuming we can trust the
flow rates, and I have some doubts. But slightly over unity would not be
difficult to achieve chemically, especially with a 14 kg bottle of hydrogen

3) How dare he not tell us what he is measuring, and what the result of the
measurement is? It's supposed to be a demo.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Joshua,
> a) Have you calculated HOW wet must be the steam in order to invalidate
> the experiment i.e. to make it underunity beyond any doubt?
> b) Let's take the good part of it, as engineers how has to be built such a
> generator for VERY  WET steam? It can have some uses e.g in the textile
> industry.
> 3) How does dare Focardi to speak about "vapore secco" based on a measuring
> instrument  (not adequate?) when actually he had "vapore umido?"
> Thank you,
> Peter
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Rich Murray wrote:
>> "probably, the Rossi demos have a complex control box with thermal
>> controls that lower the electric input heater power when the reactor gets
>> too hot"
>> You concede to easily.
>> I don't believe there is any feedback in that system because the wires are
>> all heavy power cables, not control wires, and because when the power was
>> shut down (in test 1), the temperature remained pinned to the boiling point
>> (without any regulation), and because the input power is varied manually (in
>> test 2) over a wide range 1.2 kW -> 400 W -> 1.5 KW, completely inconsistent
>> with a fine temperature control.
>> But the obsession with the control box is a red herring anyway. Even if it
>> is regulated, my thesis is not weakened.
>> 1. The wetness of the steam is unknown
>> The fact that the temperature is pinned at the boiling point (slightly
>> elevated because of increased pressure in the conduit) means we don't know
>> how much liquid is present in the exiting fluid. If it were substantially
>> above the boiling point, then there would be a case to argue that the steam
>> is dry.
>> No evidence is presented in Levi's report that the steam is dry. He simply
>> states that it is based on an "air quality monitor" (scare-quotes are his).
>> But the point of a demonstration is to demonstrate, not to pronounce. He
>> doesn't say what physical quantity is measured, nor what the value is, let
>> alone how it changes with time.
>> It would be so easy to allow the temperature to go to 110C to
>> *demonstrate* that the steam is dry, but failing that, if there is some
>> reason that 100C is an optimum temperature, they could have proved dryness
>> by showing the reading on that monitor, and then showing (off-line) what it
>> reads when steam is wet and when it is dry. Dry steam can be produced by
>> boiling water and passing the steam through a conduit heated to 110C (say)
>> in a flame. It would also be useful to see how that measurement evolves
>> after the boiling begins, because the exiting fluid should change gradually
>> from pure liquid to drier and drier steam as the power increases.
>> 2. The power gradients are not believable.
>> It is a simple truth that heating the water to boiling requires about 1.2
>> kW, and vaporizing all of it requires > 10 kW. The only way to increase the
>> power delivered to the water is to heat the conduit to a higher temperature.
>> An 8-fold increase in the power delivered requires an 8-fold increase in the
>> temperature difference between the fluid and the heating element (the
>> conduit presumably). But this takes time, and we have an idea of how fast
>> things heat up by looking at the gradient before boiling is reached. By that
>> measure, the power might increase by at most a factor of 2 in 40 minutes;
>> far short of what is needed for complete vaporization.
>> We know it doesn't even increase that much, because in mid plateau, the
>> temperature actually dips below boiling for a few minutes. (The dip seems to
>> correlate with the reduction on the input power to 400W.)
>> The obvious and reasonable interpretation, based on the mid-plateau dip,
>> and the fact that the temperature (in test 2) decreases immediately when the
>> power is shut down, is that the temperature of the heating element(s) is
>> just above that necessary to maintain boiling temperature in the exit fluid.
>> That means that only a small fraction of the fluid is being converted to
>> vapor. The steam is very wet.

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