Murray should apologize to Earthtech for making derogatory comments on
Rossi's experiment that were quotes of Cude's criticism?

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:

> And that changes what I said how?
> T
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Rich Murray <> wrote:
> > Hello Terry,
> >
> > I'm still doubtful about the Rossi claims,

Never did I see a second sun
Never did my skin touch a land of glass
Never did my rifle point but true
But in a land empty of enemies
Waiting for the tick-tick-tick of the want
A uranium angel
Crying “behold,”
This land that knew fire is yours
Taken from Corruption
To begin anew

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