> I'm thinking your findings of irreversibility reflected the idiosyncrasies
> floating point math represented in binary numbers, and not the physics

I'm not sure what you mean by "irreversibility" but if you are referring to
my Celestial Mechanics computer programs, I have never stated that what I'm
doing reflects "physics itself"

I am interested in the mathematical aspects of these algorithms that are
often used to explain "physics" primarily from a heuristic perspective.

I'm also interested in the mathematical characteristics of chaos that can
also be introduced using the same algorithms.

I have many interests and objectives. "Physics" is simply a subset of it.

* * * * *

PS: In the meantime please feel free to check out my latest batch of You
Tube videos of the continued pandemonium (called democracy in action)
occurring on the square and within the state capital of Madison, Wisconsin,
concerning protests against Governor Scott Walker's bill that would destroy
50 years of the right to bargain collectively.

For the record: Union leaders have basically told the governor that we would
be willing to agree to pretty much all harsh the fiscal constraints the
Scott Walker listed in his bill if he would remove the part that destroys
the right to bargain collectively. The governor said no. He refuses to back
down from his original bill.

I think that pretty much tells us what Scott Walker's real objective is. If
it was just about the money, as he has all along claimed, then the problem
would be solved. Apparently it isn't. He wants to destroy the unions so that
he never has to deal with them again... EVER. He has only been in office for
two months. What a way to start out winning friends and influencing people.
. He attempted to ram his version of the "bill" down our throats in a matter
of six days with very little notice and NO DISCUSSION. We were almost
blitzed. This is why we are so upset and won't back down. This is what
democracy is all about when someone attempts to disrespect what democracy is
all about.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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