Just a comment to Jed and Abd, and a few other patient participants.

I've enjoyed being a spectator to this thread. I guess that makes me
somewhat of a sadist.

By all means continue clarifying all the misconceptions being spewed
out from this particular thread. Many of you have harder skulls than I
have. How are your foreheads? Hope you all have plenty of Tylenol on

Surely it has been realized by now that it's not likely to be Mr.
Rothwell, or Mr. Lomax, or anybody on this list that possesses an
arsenal of information accurate enough to blast a hole through this
particular brick wall. A brick wall will remain a brick wall because
that's precisely what brick walls do: They pretend to be brick walls
for as long as it takes in order to set themselves up for a unique
experience. The eventual payoff is a juicy lesson in discovering the
fact that the construction of brick walls aren't as solid as they
originally believed they would be.

Of course, all brick walls start our pretending they are permanent
structures. But deep down all brick walls harbor suspicions that their
facade may not be as solid as they hope. Why else would a brick wall
suddenly start hanging out in a place like the Vort Collective, the
equivalent of a boxing ring. Where else can a brick wall constantly
reassure itself that its facade is still intact. It must constantly
set up intellectual sparing where it can perceive everyone's replies
as nothing more than throwing inconsequential sticks and stones
perceived as "fallacies" and "illogic" at its own carefully
constructed facade.

So, what will finally blast a hole through this particular brick wall?
That missile is likely to take the shape of a Rossi space heater, sold
at a local Wall Mart store. Obviously, we not quite there yet.
Therefore this particular brick wall can continue pretending to be a
brick wall for a while little longer.

Nice facade! Carefully constructed, too. I see a lot of brick and
mortar went into its construction. Next time, put a window in the
middle of it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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