Robin sez:

> ...sounds to me as though he is tapping into the Van Allen belt energy.
> This is the resonant transfer concept.

Oh dear! If this takes off I bet one can wager their suntan lotion
that in another hundred years or so or we'll experience a Van Allen
shortage and increases in skin cancer.  ...Of course, I'm just being
silly here.

Nevertheless, I recall it has been brought up more than once here, of
obscure "technology" capable of tapping into the resonant energy of
the Van Allen belt. It would be interesting to know if there really is
something tangible to such claims. If so, I would hope Mr. Van Allen
would be able to adequately replenish its "charge" via constant
bombardment of the sun's solar wind. Otherwise, I'd speculate we might
be in for a lot of mutations.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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