It isn't. (I'm italian).

I find it downright unbelievable.

Everything Rossi said is unbelievable.
Check my question on Ny Teknik about the secret catalyzers patent.
It was filed around end 2009 (public disclosure is 18 month after filing).
But the filing date of the publc available patent is April 2008.
Do you wait one year and half to protect yours ONLY secret (Ni-H reactor are well know)?
Unbeliveable too.
From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 9:57 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi to answer questions on Ny Teknik

Terry Blanton wrote:

I found it remarkable that he claims to have tried 10,000 permutations
of ingredients.

I find it downright unbelievable. Last time he said it was a thousand. Ask him again and it will be 100,000.

My guess is that this is an Italian way of way of saying "many" or "a whole mess 'o tests" or "more permutations than you can shake a stick at."

- Jed

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