It's just hyperbole. "How many ways did you try it?" "Thousands!" 

You are reading it too literally. 

Craig Haynie

On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 22:11 +0100, Mattia Rizzi wrote:
> It isn't. (I'm italian).
> > I find it downright unbelievable.
> Everything Rossi said is unbelievable.
> Check my question on Ny Teknik about the secret catalyzers patent.
> It was filed around end 2009 (public disclosure is 18 month after filing).
> But the filing date of the publc available patent is April 2008.
> Do you wait one year and half to protect yours ONLY secret (Ni-H reactor are 
> well know)?
> Unbeliveable too.
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 9:57 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi to answer questions on Ny Teknik
> > Terry Blanton wrote:
> >
> >> I found it remarkable that he claims to have tried 10,000 permutations
> >> of ingredients.
> >
> > I find it downright unbelievable. Last time he said it was a thousand. Ask 
> > him again and it will be 100,000.
> >
> > My guess is that this is an Italian way of way of saying "many" or "a 
> > whole mess 'o tests" or "more permutations than you can shake a stick at."
> >
> > - Jed
> > 

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