>From Jed:

> A well-known skeptic shown up in this discussion. See:
> http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=484427&page=5
> He is intellectually dishonest. He described experiment 1 as follows:


> He also demands an "independent" test. That was an independent test.
> Levi had no connection to Rossi. As soon as the test was reported,
> Crude lumped in Prof. Levi with Rossi. If professors A, B and C
> conduct tests, he will say that they too are part of a conspiracy,
> and he will demand yet another "independent" test.

It would appear that Cude isn't posting here anymore, presumably after
everyone grew tired of his inflexibility.  Cude wasn't getting what he
needed here, so he went elsewhere. Looks like he's now trying to work
out his issues over at physicsforums.com. Since it's a skeptical web
site he may experience more extended play over there than he did in

OTOH, the moderator strikes me as a pretty sharp dude. I suspect he
would prefer to keep his forum ship-shape. He may eventually see
through Cude, especially if Cude keeps to his past behavior. Like Mr.
Beaty, the moderator can kick anybody out of the forum any time he
wants to - no explanation needed.

To be  honest, I really don't think "Cold Fusion" is what Cude is
really railing against. "Cold Fusion" is just the most expedient
vehicle that Cude chose in order to work through a personal list of
intellectual proclivities. I'm sure it's an engaging experience for

Least I sound too judgmental towards Mr. Cude - I wish to make it
clear that I believe we ALL come into our lives with personal issues.
Few escape unscathed. It's just that at certain times in life some of
us express those proclivities more obnoxiously than at other times.

It's a process.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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