Hello group,

A *very* interesting (revealing many previously unknown details, to tell the truth I'm not sure if he was supposed to disclose them all) three-part audio interview in italian to Sergio Focardi by a local web radio has been submitted here:


At the moment there is no transcript available yet, so unfortunately a Google translation isn't possible yet either. I expect one to appear very soon (for example on Passerini's blog). I'll try to translate it in English as soon as possible when that happens.

Some interesting bits of information that caught my attention (as an appetizer for when a full transcript will be posted)

- Focardi-Rossi's paper was first submitted to arXiv.org, but was rejected (to Focardi's disdain, since they are known to publish almost everything). As a result of this, Rossi decided to create his own journal to publish it there. Apparently Rossi does not like much that people know this.

- Focardi doesn't know the exact composition of the catalyser used in the reactor (in addition to nickel powder) or what it does exactly but he suspects that it's a chemical compound promoting nickel's adsorption of hydrogen in atomic form rather than molecular.


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