On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 09:53: SHIRAKAWA Akira wrote

[snip]Focardi doesn't know the exact composition of the catalyser used in
the reactor (in addition to nickel powder) or what it does exactly but he
suspects that it's a chemical compound promoting nickel's adsorption of
hydrogen in atomic form rather than molecular. [/snip]

The preferential adsorption of atomic over molecular hydrogen and the lack
of change of isotopic proportions both lend support to my theory where
atomic hydrogen can translate freely to different fractional values but
molecular and fractional molecular hydrogen oppose this translation. This
sets up an endless reaction where motion through the suppression zones is
driven by gas law while the opposition to this motion turns the suppression
zones into a disassociating mechanism (energy rectifier) which pushes the
atoms back up to their monatomic energy levels courtesy of the normally
chaotic energy (HUP) behind gas law. I think this is the same principle
behind BLP, MAHG and even the Noble gas engine (it doesn't have to be
hydrogen just needs a and molecular form that the change in energy density
can disassociate. 


My animation at http://www.byzipp.com/finished1.swf depicts 2 parallel
conductive plates moving closer together then further apart and the effect
it has on hydrogen atoms caught in the field between the two plates.
Although the animation is for hydrogen atoms it holds true for any molecular
gas compounds caught between "Casimir" boundaries regardless if said
boundaries are pores in a skeletal catalyst, the voids between powder
particles as they arrange themselves in a bulk  container, the meniscus of a
collapsing bubble in an electrolyte medium or as in the case of the Noble
gas engine it is the collapsing meniscus of a gas pocket in a mixed gas
medium of conductive and insulating gases.

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