In reply to  froarty's message of Sat, 9 Apr 2011 23:54:29 -0400:

The natural isotope ratio of Cu63 to Cu65 is 2.235. The ratio that Rossi -
Focardi report in their paper is 1.6, which means that the ratio of Cu65 to Cu
63 has *increased* beyond natural, implying a preference for the formation of Cu
65. This is strange because most Ni atoms are lighter than Cu63, so one might
reasonably expect that more Cu63 would form than Cu65, exaggerating the normal
predominance of Cu63. Instead, they claim the opposite has occurred.

>Still waiting for a human translation but it seems clear Focardi is saying
>the resultant copper is NOT the natural ratio of isotopes!
>Google translation of Focardi radio interview on Apr 5
> [snip] So we have produced energy, we have produced copper.  Copper has two
>isotopes, the ratio of these two isotopes is not in the natural
>concentration, so there is no copper added, the product we have in this way.
>i [/snip] So we have produced energy, we have produced copper.

Robin van Spaandonk

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