On 2011-04-13 23:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:
This was formerly titled What We Know from Rossi. It is a list of major
assertions made by Rossi and others, mainly Rossi in his blog

You made me remember that a few weeks ago I started writing down (or more like, copy/pasting) a list of questions answered by Rossi on his blog, but eventually dropped the task as I realized it would have been a huge deal of work. Anyway this is what I ended up with. I hope somebody else more determined or with more free time than me will pick this up and continue what I started (which includes arranging questions/answers in a more coherent manner, fixing typos and wording, etc):


how much nickel is used? If the nickel is spread on the tungsten: how much is the estimation about the power released by the system for unit of surface or unit of volume?


Dear Enrico: we estimate the consumption of Ni and H has been in the order of picograms.
We do not use W.

* * *

What is the ratio of hydrogen isotope to metal atoms you reach at your preferred operating level?


This information is confidential. I am very sorry, but our patent is still pending, therefore there will be some data that we cannot release, to avoid heavy legal issues with our licensees.

* * *

It is unclear from the translation as to the amount of H2 consumed. Next big future has a picture of your apparatus and I can see the pressure gauge on the H2 tank but no flowmeter on the H2 line.

So my question is what was the gas cylinder pressure before the demo and after the demo?


Your question is important. The pressure of Hydrogen gas in the tank before the test was 80 bars and at the end of the test was 80 bars. The consumption of Hydrogen is in the range of picograms, not enough to determine a delta P in the tank.

* * *

1) What is the evidence for copper production?
2) Is there any evidence for isotopic anomalies?
3) How is the power switched on and off?
4) Is there evidence of consumption of a fuel?


What you are requesting is contained in our patent application. Other Scientists already have reached the effect using the informations contained in the patent application, which is published also on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics.

But you must be careful about this: this work must be done only in professional laboratories and with respect of all the safety requirements. Hydrogen is highly explosive and nickel powder is very toxic. To make such experiments without the necessary experience and professional instrumentation can be lethal.

* * *

How much Ni is in the cell?
How much total energy, heat and radiation, is produced per hour for a gram of Ni?
Are some other elements used to facilitate the reactions?
How small can a working cell be made ? for instance, for home power units buried in the yard?


In the cell there are several milligrams of Ni
To make 10 kWh/h the consume of Ni and H is in the order of several picograms, but considering that not all the Ni in the reactor reacts, the actual consumption, to make 10 kWh/h is of about 0,1 g of Ni and 0,01 g of H Yes, other elements are used, upon which we have to maintain confidentiality until the patent pending becomes a patent The dimensions of a unit like the one you are thinking of, of course not considering the authorization issues, could be about one cm 50 x 100 x 50 with the present technology.

* * *

One picogram is 1/1000 of a billionth of a gram. Why do you refer to picograms as they are many orders of magnitude smaller than grams?

According to your figures (.1 g per 10 kwh), 1 Kg of Nickel would deliver 10 kW for 10 000 hours, roughly 14 months. Is this correct?


You are correct, but I distinguished between the mass of Ni which reacts and the mass of Ni that you need in the reactor to obtain that the necessary mass reacts. The efficiency is very low, due to the probabilistic issue.

* * *

We hear a pulsating sound in the video of the operating catalyzer. What is causing the sound?


The sound ( kind of tac, tac, tac…) is made by the water pump, which is a precision dosator .

* * *

Can you simply state what the Watts IN are versus Watts OUT?
Can you turn off the input current? Does the reaction become self-sustaining?


Watts in: 400 wh/h
Watts out: 15,000 wh/h
Yes, we can turn off the input current, but we prefer to maintain a drive and the reasons are very difficult to explain without violating my confidentiality restraints.
The reaction becomes self sustaining.

* * *

Do you understand the mechanism of the reaction on a quantitative level?


To answer your question a precise theory about what happens in the reactor is necessary. As for me, I am still working on it, using the empirical data we get from the perations The only thing we know for sure is the amount of mass we lose starting from the amount of delta energy.

* * *

The picogram estimation is for every hour?


Conservatively, I would say 0,01 g/kWh of Ni is the actual demand of Ni is necessary, even if the mass that really reacts is in the order of picograms.
The ratio Output Energy/Input Energy , conservatively, is always over 6 .

* * *


We are not able to know which instable atoms are produced DURING the operation of the reactor, but we can analyze the composition of the powders left AFTER the operations: in such powders we do not find instable elements. We use “catalyzers” to improve the reactions. Upon the nature of such catalyzers we will be unconfudential as soon as our patent will have finished its course.

* * *


In the cell there are several grams of Ni
With 1 gram of Ni the average real production of energy is around 100 kWh

* * *

How much is the period for the maintenance? Is there a scheduled time when you need to stop the system to change some parts?


The maintainance can be done every 6 months.
With this pit stop also the spare parts issue is verified.

* * *

What is the longest period of time that the apparatus was in operation?
On the Internet I found that you have been working on the device that would produce MW of thermal energy. What is the progress with such a device? Did you find or are aware of any limitations of power density that could be achieved? In the demo there was a mention of the gamma radiation spike after the input power was switched off. How do you explain this?


The longest period of time we already experienced for our reactors up to now is around 2 years. The device, made combining modules equal to the one tested yesterday, will be in operation in few months. Please, what do you mean, in this case when you say “power density”? If you mean which volume is necessary per kW of power, I can say about 5 liters per kW, just for the thermal power. The gamma ray issue is a very interesting one. We have to work a lot to understand it. Sincerely, I have not a clue, so far.

* * *

During the experiment of yesterday, what kind of radiation escape from the system?

No radiation escape has been detected, apart a slight deviation of gamma rays respect the ground values,

* * *

when your fusion engine is in mass production, what will be the cost of electricity of 1 kw/h in Euo-Cents? What is your estimation? How do you intend to convert heat in electricity?


I estimate that the cost of energy made with this system will be below 1 cent/kWh, in case of electric power made by means of a Carnot cycle, and below 1 cent/4,000 M J in case of thermal power production for heating purposes.

* * *

I suppose that is obviously a typo: “… and below 1 cent/4,000 J in case of thermal power production for heating purposes”
1 kWh = 3,6 MJ


Of course you are right, it was a typo. Sorry, now I go to correct

* * *

I don’t feel the atomic microscope provides good evidence for copper production (answer 1). This is because most of the expected copper isotopes are radioactive and would not survive the journey. 59Cu for example has a half life of 81 seconds.

So the question arises, where does the copper come from?
As most chemists know, commercial hydrogen is produced in enormous quantities from fossil fuels by variations on the water-gas process. Consequently it is usually contaminated by small quantities of carbon monoxide.

At temperatures of a few 100 degrees C, CO reacts reversibly with Nickel metal (and iron) to produce a volatile carbonyl Ni(CO)4. This is used in the Mond process for purifying Nickel on an industrial scale. In a system where there exists a temperature differential, as is the case of the demonstration device, metal will appear to evaporate from cooler surfaces and be deposited on hotter surfaces. The carbon monoxide is regenerated so even a tiny quantity can transport quite large quantities over a period of time. Quartz halogen lamps work on the same principle.

Obviously the CO cannot transport non nickel impurities which therefore are concentrated on the Nickel surface exactly where the atomic microscope finds them. The microscope will only detect quite large quantities of copper (mg) which would have produced considerable heat had they been produced by a nuclear reaction. I need hardly add that lethal gamma radiation would also be produced.

Are the SIMS data published? Unfortunately mass data alone is somewhat ambiguous. Have you considered neutron activation analysis which would identify specific isotopes? A comparison between the 2 methods might distinguish between a proton capture (Focardi)and picno-chemistry (Dufour) conjectures.


About the copper issue: I agree, in fact we never found, as I said, instable copper in the residual powders. About the copper contaminations: could be, but there is no coherence with the mass balance: the amounts of copper we found in the residual powders are too big. I will follow your suggestion about a comparision of the 2 methods, is a good idea: so far we didn’t make neutron activation analysis.

* * *

I would still like to understand why you think Ni62 could possibly have any exothermic reactions.

Collis Williams has attempted to reply, but it is naive to think that there can be an exothermic reaction from a resultant 6.15MeV excited 63Cu, as its total binding energy is 8.7MeV higher than 62Ni. Where does the extra 2.6MeV come from? Surely you have to balance the total binding energy, as well as the total mass, to analyse the energy flow?

The per-nucleon binding energy of 63Cu and 62Ni are around 8.7MeV. So it would be thermodynamically unfavourable for an additional nucleon to be added to 62Ni with only 6.15MeV available from mass-energy alone.

This would have to be endothermic if you have only 6.15MeV, yet the total binding energy goes up by more than 8MeV.

I have given a more detailed account on; http://www.talk-polywell.org/bb/viewtopic.php?p=54883#54883 {which also covers each possible nuclear reaction (each of which cannot result in heat)}.

The question is; how can the 6.15MeV mass-energy increase of 62Ni+p->63Cu account for a total binding energy increase of 8.7MeV, and yet also be exothermic?


I base my work on facts, than I work on theories.
The fact that we get 10 folds more energy at the output respect the input implies that something in contraddiction with what you are saying is going out. As I said, we are working strongly upon the theoretical issues. I know that in this field there are still contradictions with the rules as they are known today.

* * *

can you say something about your commercialization timeframe. Which markets do you address? When do you expect mass production?


the commercialization timeframe is at most 1 year.
We have contracts in the USA and in Europe.
Mass production should escalate in 2-3 years.

* * *

In your previous experiments, as reported in the Rossi-Focardi paper (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/files/Rossi-Focardi_paper.pdf) the energy out/inp COP was averaging 200. This is an order of magnitude more than today experiment where COP reached around 20 according your info.

Could you clarify the reasons of this huge difference in COP?


January 15th, 2011 at 4:29 PM

You are right. The reason why now the K factor is lower is that we passed from experimental and extreme lab tests to an industrial product that has to be dealt with by normal operators, with total reliability. To make the reactors totally reliable and safe beyond any concern, we had to increase the margins of safety of an order of magnitude.

* * *

January 16th, 2011 at 6:54 AM

We will start the serial production of our modules very soon. Combibing the modules in series and parallel arrays it is possible to reach every limit of power. The modules are designed to be connected in series and parallels.

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Permitame por favor otra pregunta:?Es aplicable su tecnologia de fusion fria a la propulsion de naves espaciales?


January 16th, 2011 at 7:16 AM

Yes, we are working already on this.

* * *

Le volevo porre una domanda, il brevetto pubblicato nel suo foglio di ricerca, non e quello definitivo?


January 16th, 2011 at 10:18 AM

The patent issue is very complicated. When you make a patent application, you present e text and a list of claims. After your application, begins a long ( we are working on it since more than 2 years) and very expensive list of modifications, integrations etc etc due to the dialectic evolution of the patent which is worked on by the inventor and the specialists of the patent office. The text , therefore, is continuously modified and enriched of elements that the patent Officer deems to be necessary to permit the regular patent. The final text of the patent is what results after 2-3 years of confrontations. It is not a simple matter, but we have to understand that the Patent Office has to be sure to grant to the Public that, in change of the 20 years protection, the inventor, in this case me, has to disclose to the Public all the clues of the technology.
Of course, such clues remain confidential until the Patent is granted.

* * *

If this device uses input heat, and produces 10 times more output heat, then why can’t you turn off the input after it has started? Shouldn’t the heat generated by the nuclear reaction be more than enough to keep itself going?

A device which can produce 10 kernels of wheat from one kernel, only needs one kernel to feed the world.


January 16th, 2011 at 3:05 PM

You are right. In fact we can turn off the resistance: we do it regularly in our R&D center. The reason why in a module for the public we have to maintain a drive is connected with safety reasons. To explain why this I should have to explain confidential issues.

* * *

Un’ altra domanda, sviluppi futuri della macchina (notizie, teorie commercializzazione etc) saranno pubblicati qui? Oppure le potremmo trovare in altri siti da Lei controllati?

And another suggestion, i’t possible to turn on the reaction by a high current discharge trough the Nickel mass? ( nickel that have trapped hydrogen?)


January 16th, 2011 at 3:29 PM

All the data regarding the future market developments and technological improvents of our reactors will be published here, but we authorize every blog to get our posts, comments etc and use them for free for what they want. Therefore you will find everything also in the many blogs that usually deal with this matter. About your idea of trying to turn on the reactin by means of an arc: I never say “this is right” or “this is wrong”. Everything has to be tried. Maybe your is a good idea.

* * *

I wonder if your catalyst is producing some hydrino, and then the hydrino will manage to fuse with the Ni.


January 16th, 2011 at 3:34 PM

First of all, thank you for your kind interest. I am sorry, but I cannot give informations about the catalyzers.

* * *

1) Who is the inventor(s) of this device? Is it yourself or yourself and others?

2) I would like to suggest that you release specific plans for a simple version of this device that can self-sustain. I recognize there are dangers involved. However, I personally know SEVERAL highly skilled engineers with access to top notch equipment that would be interested in replicating your technology. The issue is that I know they would want *details* for replication instead of spending their time and money trying to “guess” what is the best way to go forward. They have went down that path before with other claims without success. If you could provide even basic plans for a simple version of your device it would be tremendously helpful. In such plans you could list….

a) The size/shape/volume of the cell and it’s material.
b) The part number of the resistor.
c) The input current/voltage.
d) The amount of nickle powder and a source for the powder.
e) How to put the powder in the cell. I have read that it is placed into a ceramic?
f) How much shielding you would recommend.
g) How to make sure that enough of the dihydrogen is being converted to hydrogen.

Basically, a “bill of materials” and a brief instruction guide.

Would you please consider this?

3) For the past two days I have been pouring over all the information I can find about your technology. I am simply blown away. I have no reason to think you are lying so it seems you have the HOLY GRAIL of energy production. If this is the case the world needs to be convinced ASAP. The best way I know to do this is with replication by hundreds of people. Are you willing to help those that want to replicate?


January 16th, 2011 at 4:01 PM

1- I am the inventor of the method and the apparatus.
2- You are asking to me to give away for free technology and know how. It is impossible, for obvious reasons. 3- We have passed already the phase to convince somebody. We are arrived to a product that is ready for the market. Our judge is the market. In this field the phase of the competition in the field of theories, hypothesis, conjectures etc etc is over. The competition is in the market. If somebody has a valid technology, he has not to convince people by chattering, he has to make a reactor that work and go to sell it, as we are doing. You are not convinced? It is not my problem. My problem is make my reactors work. I think that the reason for which I arrived to a working reactor is that I bellieved in my work, therefore, instead of chattering and play the big genius with mental masturbations, spent all my money, without help and financing from anywhere, to make thousands of reactors that didn’t work, until I made the right one, following my theories that may be are wrong, but in any case gave me the result I wanted. If somebody is convinced he has a good idea, he has not to convince anybody by chattering, he has to make something that works and sell it to a Customer who decides to buy because can see a product which works. If a Customer wants not my product no problem, I go to another, without chattering or giving away free technology. What I made is not a “Holy Graal”, as you ironically say, is just a product. My Customers know it works, this is why they bought it,that’s enough for me. We are investing to make thousands of reactors and is totally irrilevant for us if somebody or manybodies make negative chatterings about our work. To ask us to give away as a gift our technology, in which I invested my life, to convince somebody or morebodies that my reactors work is contrary to the foundamental rules of the economy. To convince the World of our product we have just to sell products which work well, not to chatter. If somebody is convinced to have invented something better or equal to our product, he has not to chatter, he has to make a product better or equal to ours and sell it.

* * *

This device will work at temperature a minus of 30 degrees of Celsius?

January 17th, 2011 at 3:16 PM

No , the device does not work at those temperatures; it needs at least 400°C

* * *

I’m interested to know if you have any scientific articles in preparation about your experimental set up and results.

I’m a bit worried that this is again taking place at a press conference rather than a scientific journal.

Please be aware that by no means I am critizicing your research or casting doubts about your results, but you must understand that due to the sensitive nature that the energy industry has I’m certain that you will face constant attacks as others have in the past when publishing research on this particular topic.


January 17th, 2011 at 3:35 PM

The report of the test that has been made by the indipendent reviewers in Bologna will be put online as soon as the Prof. of the University of Bologna, who made the test, will deliver it. I think it will take a week, while they are elaborating the data. The publication will be made on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics, and all the magazines and blogs will be free to publish them.

* * *

1. Does the integrity of the Ni lattice have to be maintained ? do
damage, disruption, and melting impede the results?

2. If so, then a single or a few reactions in one nanograin of Ni may
preclude further reactions within that grain ? what percentage of
grains might be disabled per hour of normal heat production?

2. How many other elements, solid at various temperatures from
cyrogenic to incandescent, might have similar results, with increased
pressure and or temperature of H2 gas?

3. Could pressure alone be the major facilitating factor?


January 17th, 2011 at 3:39 PM

1- No, it is not necessary within certain limits
2- see answer 1
3- I can’ answer
4- yes, provided pressure is properly used

* * *

Is this a batch process, or can it be run continuously?


January 17th, 2011 at 4:00 PM

It is a batch which lasts 6 months. Every 6 mo you have to change the charge and make maintainance.

* * *

January 17th, 2011 at 3:52 PM

to start up the reactor you have just to turn on a switch. The reactor works with enormous margins of safety, so there is no need of a particular skill. Just follow the instructions. The refuelling is every 6 months and will be made by our dealers.

* * *

January 17th, 2011 at 4:12 PM

To make a device that self sustains, apart the enormous risk of explosion that you would encounter, I would have to explain to you the whole technology.

* * *

I think what the previous poster meant is if the device as a whole (not its internal processes) needs specific conditions in order to properly work. Does it need for example to be in a climate controlled environment? Does it have a definite operating temperature range?

To be more specific and clear, could I put the device in a poorly ventilated basement and expect it to work? Or in a semi-enclosed cabinet outdoor subject to natural climate variations?


January 17th, 2011 at 4:18 PM

The device has not particular needs, I would say the same needs of a normal boiler.

* * *

- will be the reactor on sell also for the common consumers?
- if yes what will be the cost of a reactor?
- to use the output power of the reactor, for example in a house, is it possible to connect the reactor to a turbine for the production of electricity? and to heat also the


January 18th, 2011 at 9:41 AM

soon as possible, our marketing division will give the necessary communications about what you are asking.

* * *

January 18th, 2011 at 9:57 AM

The drive is necessary to stabilize the reactor .
The Authorization issue is a very important one and our legal department is working on it.

* * *

Se nel catalizzatore mettendo Nichel si ottiene Rame e verosimele che mettendo Platino si possa ottenere Oro ?


January 18th, 2011 at 4:06 PM

It is possible that Pt can be turned into Au, but are you sure it is worth?

* * *

I presume the reaction chamber is not sealed and the cooling water does not flow through the reactor itself. In this case have you measured the water vapour content of the reactor vent pipe to check for hydrogen combustion?


January 18th, 2011 at 6:09 PM

There is no hydrogen combustion: we weight the hydrogen tank before and after the tests, and the difference of weight is in the order of decimal of grams.

* * *

The energy output should be useful but what Carnot efficiency are you assuming in your electricity configuration? That’s an area I have looked at, it may be possible to get efficiency up a little and add some vehicular application with a pneumatic heat engine rather than a steam engine.


January 19th, 2011 at 2:17 AM

once the energy has been produced, what happens after when you use it has no differences from the usual : the Carnot cycle efficiency is the same as usual, of course, depending on the efficiency of the power generation system.

* * *

What will happen if the owner of commercial reactor violates safety rules?
What if the input electric voltage will be increased, with naive intention to produce more output energy?
What if the lead shield removed/broken?
What if somebody drills a hole through operating reactor?


January 19th, 2011 at 11:04 AM

1- safety rules are impossible to violate, because if you violate them the reactor turns off
2- in this case , also, the reactor turns off
3- to break or remove the lead shield is impossible unless intentional. If they crash a hammer upon their head, there is nothing anybody can do…
4- the reactor will not turn on.

* * *

January 19th, 2011 at 2:55 PM

In our reactors we put metals and hydrogen, and at the end we have metals, which are raw materials.
No radioactive waste is left.

* * *

in un futuro (spero non troppo lontano) sara possibile sfruttare la sua tecnologia per produrre quantita massive di energia elettrica, sostituendo in toto gli attuali combustibili ?


January 19th, 2011 at 2:57 PM

I think that many sources of energy will integrate themselves for a long time.

* * *

“What if the lead shield removed/broken?” “to break or remove the lead shield is impossible unless intentional. If they crash a hammer upon their head, there is nothing anybody can do…”

Mr Rossi, you’re too much intelligent to don’t understand that this is not an answer about the question.

What happen if someone remove protection intentionally or casually break… which is the risks… how far can reach and hit people in dangerous way.


January 19th, 2011 at 2:59 PM

You can break the shielding only if the reactor is not working. In this case no harm is there.

* * *

if I understand are on the threshold of a new era. I would ask you if there are problems to come out from your Energy Catalyzer with pressures sing at 20/30 bar, or more, in order to power a steam turbine generator with attached and, while we are there, to carryng the outgoing steam in a heat exchanger steam / water to heat the house?


January 20th, 2011 at 5:56 AM

Yes it is possible.

* * *

I have a question:
1) The heat required for the fusion process is 400C at 80 bar pressure and this you say is provided by a heating element consuming 1KW at first and then reduced to 600W once the reaction starts. Why is the heater required once the process starts when the main output is heat?


January 20th, 2011 at 6:00 AM

For safety reasons we need to maintain a drive.

* * *

Io non sono un fisico e non ho capito molto delle spiegazioni tecniche, pero a me sembra che questa sia una notizia sensazionale e sinceramente mi pare strano che se ne parli solo in ambiti ristretti e poi non capisco questo ostruzionismo da parte di alcuni insigni accademici.So che ci sono diverse persone anche in Italia che fanno studi sulla fusione fredda, la prima domanda (forse banale) e questa: cosa c’e di diverso (in termini di risultati) nella sua macchina Ing. Rossi rispetto ai reattori che probabilmente altri scienziati hanno fatto sulla base sempre degli esperimenti di Fleischmann e Pons? Quanto costera il catalizzatore? ed i costi di manutenzione? Sara possibile investire in quote/azioni della societa produttrice? Non posso che concludere facendo i complimenti a lei e al Prof. Focardi (mio prof. di Fisica all’universita) che gia 15 anni fa ci parlava nelle sue fantastiche lezioni di questo fenomeno. Spero che l’evoluzione commerciale del catalizzatore e della societa produttrice vengano divulgati su questo post cosi da rimanere aggiornati


January 20th, 2011 at 6:04 AM

Come sicuramente Lei sa l’esperimento di Fleishmann e Pons era basato sull’elettrolisi dell’acqua pesante mediante elettrodi di Pd e Pt. Noi non usiamo elettrolisi, ne Pt, ne Pd, ne tanto meno acqua pesante. La descrizione del processo puo essere trovata sul Journal Of Nuclear Physics ( alla voce “brevetto”).

* * *

Approfitto della possibilita di scrivere in italiano, visto il mio inglese non perfetto. L’ing. Rossi ed il signor Pilotti, capiranno che dopo decenni di delusioni nel campo della fusione fredda, una certa freddezza e scetticismo e d’obbligo, anche in considerazione della presentazione “non standard” del fenomeno. Il mio consiglio, non richiesto, e quello di aprire la scatola e svelare al piu presto il funzionamento del catalizzatore, in modo che la comunita scientifica possa replicare l’esperimento e dare nel caso il giusto risalto alla scoperta. Fintantoche sul funzionamento e sulla replicabilita dell’esperimento rimarra un velo di mistero, lo scetticismo e d’obbligo. Tutto questo chiaramente cautelandovi preventivamente acquisendo i necessari brevetti.

mantenere a lungo segreti non fa bene agli inventori, ne alla scienza… rischia invece di creare delle aspettative capaci di creare rallentamenti delle ricerche nel campo delle energie alternative.

Questa e comunque la mia personale opinione, condivisa del resto da molti che come me guardano con interesse alla cosa cercando di mantenere il giusto distacco.


January 20th, 2011 at 8:55 AM

Lei ha ragione, dal Suo punto di vista, ma si metta nei panni di chi ha investito capitali notevoli in questa ricerca e che adesso vuole rientrare…

* * *

1) Are there any issues with your technology related to scale? For example, have you constructed working devices of several different sizes? I’m curious about this, because I could imagine small versions of your technology powering everything from laptops to cell phones.

2) Have you had any interest from NASA or other space agencies? I would think your technology could be used to power satellites, space stations, bases on other planets, rovers, etc.

3) Have you tested materials from different suppliers? I have heard claims in the past of cold fusion scientists having great results with materials from one supplier, but then having trouble producing the effect with materials from another supplier.

4) I read a comment on another forum claiming that in one of your cells after six months of operation the remaining nickel powder was 30% copper. Can you confirm this?

5) When you are able to produce 400 times the energy out than you are putting in are you simply consuming more nickel/hydrogen or are you increasing the efficiency of energy produced from every gram of fuel? For example, when you are producing 400 times the energy you are putting in are you also consuming 400 times the fuel or are you getting more energy from every gram?

6) Without disclosing any details about the catalysts would you say they are common/cheap/affordable so obtaining them will not be an issue that hinders this technology?

7) Could one of your devices function without the radiation shielding? For example, what if someone wanted to use one of your devices to irradiate food.


January 20th, 2011 at 10:14 AM

1- the modules are od 10 kW and can be combined without superior limits. No possible smaller modules, so far
2- No
3- No
4- No
5- More energy from same charge
6- No info about cats
7- no

* * *

So in theory it could run without input power once the operating temperature is reached and the reaction has initiated.

Why is it unsafe to remove power to the heating element when it is in operation?

I would have thought that controlling the core temperature so it is below a safe level would be more important than a steady supply of additional heat via a heating element.

I understand that you need to pump the hydrogen gas through the nickel powder to get the reaction to occur.

Does the flow rate of gas determine the amount of reaction that takes place and hence the power output? Can the process be made to work without your *secret* catalysis, in other words, some powdered nickel and hydrogen gas for the fuel?
I am guessing that your catalysis is a gas or a cocktail of gases.
Can the vessel that contains the powdered nickel be filled with water or will water boil at 80 bar and 400C?


January 20th, 2011 at 10:15 AM

1- No
2- No
3- No,

* * *

Some queries have been raised regarding the meter used to check that the steam is dry. Could you indicate here details such as its working temperature range and sensitivity?


To answer you I phoned to the scientist who made the measure of the water in the steam, Dr Gilberto Galantini.
The instrument was:
Delta Ohm HD 37AB1347 supplied with a particular probe idoneous for the high temperature. I have received many other questions on this issue in these minutes, so this answer is valid for all. Of course the probe was a high temperature probe, if not it could not make the measure in the steam.

* * *

I see in the information sheet that there is indeed a probe available with ‘application range’ up to 150 deg. C (though confusingly it says below it sensor operating temperature -20 … +80 which I think must be a mistake). The sensor is based on capacitance, which should provide a good measure of the amount of water present.


January 20th, 2011 at 1:01 PM

Sincerely, the test has been made by very high level scientists who brought their instrumentation. I am not a strumentist, but I assume that a guy (Dr Galantini), president of the order of Chemists, with 50 years of experience is able to measure the dryness of steam. I for sure did not control the instrumentations of the scientists, because I believed “a priori” to their very high professionality. I was terrorized of that test, because should something go wrong I would have been killed, but I accepted the test because I had total and full trust in the Scientists.

* * *

January 21st, 2011 at 2:39 AM

I think the demonstration you held in Bologna and the experimental results obtained are really impressive!
I have a few questions for you:
1) It is possible to modulate the device output power (i.e. regulate it dynamically), or it is fixed once it reaches a steady state? 2) How pure has to be the Ni, or what is the impact of impurities in the reagents or in the reactor environment? (It seems that this is an issue in some LENR reactions) 3) As an engineer I understand the need of an external drive, but I suspect that this “safety drive” can be implemented in a more efficient way, for example by employing an electronic control system. This will provide a more precise control of operations, so allowing to recycle part of the output power, yet maintaining high safety level. Do you think it will be eventually possible or not due to very specific issues? (I ask this question since if the input power could be reduced, your technology will suite an even wider range of applications!)


January 21st, 2011 at 3:44 AM

1-The output of a single module is not modulable. The output of combined modules is modulable turning on/off one or more modules
2- The kind of Ni is a factor. I cannot add infos to this issue
3- Thank you very much for this statement, it is important. You are right

* * *

Mr Rossi, I’ve one simple question : How do you estimate the difficulties to increase the power of your reactor type? For example 1MW (vapeur), a factor around 100 of actual output power.


January 21st, 2011 at 3:47 AM

The power is increase combining modules: combining in series you add the delta T, combining in parallel you add the amountof thermal energy maintaining constant the Delta T.

* * *

How many daily website hits were you getting a few weeks ago, and how many are you getting now?
Do they keep increasing? Do you think you’re getting enough media coverage?
Are you going to “advertise” some more your demonstration?

I know you’ve already written that you’re beyond the phase to convince people of your findings, but personally I think that it would be nice to show to the general uninformed public something to fuel their imagination, for example webcam filming streaming video of one of your device doing a certain amount of work in an amount of time long enough to inequivocally (even without scientific measurements) show that it “just works!”.

I’m not sure if you’re realizing all the implications of this discovery or if you’re just being too humble. Since you’re not following the conventional scientific method in disclosing it (instead, direct debut to the market before full peer review and replication attempts) anyway, I think that you should try a more wild approach!


January 21st, 2011 at 4:45 AM

1- I do not know
2- We are giving solid scientific information, apart the detaols inside the reactor which will remain industrial secret at least untilthe patent is granted 3- We made an important test with the University of Bologna, with whom we are going to make a 1 year research program also. 4- Our next step: presentation of the 1 MW power plant we are manufacturing in the USA for our European Customer.

* * *

Do you think to partecipate to the next ICCF16 that will be held in India on Febbuary? Does somebody invited you to demonstrate the 10kW reactor? I can only imagine the expressions on the faces of the many scientists that will be there when they will see a “cold fusion” reactor that make 10kW of continuous power. It will be nice if, to do not waste the energy, it will be possible to make some cup of good italian espresso and offer to everyone that is present.


January 21st, 2011 at 1:55 PM

Yes there will be a Scientist talking about us, no demo anyway: no more demos before the start up of the 1 MW plant.

* * *

Our factory uses about 1MW during the daytime at full production mode. So a 1 MW plant is a small scale plant. Even so, its a lot of power and I look forward to seeing the results of further experiments.
When will the 1MW plant be ready for load testing?
Do you have any pictures of the plant in development?


January 21st, 2011 at 6:40 PM

It is matter of months, due mainly to authorization issues.

* * *

1) which is the Ni(64) contents of your sample?
2) did you try the same experiment by using vanadium instead of nikel?
(according to my possible interpretation of the phenomenon the vanadium should be better)

January 22nd, 2011 at 7:25 AM

We use regular Ni, so the isotopic composition is the normal one.
We give not information about what is in the reactor beside Ni, H.

* * *

January 22nd, 2011 at 7:25 AM

Dear Mr Gianluca:
We use regular Ni, so the isotopic composition is the normal one.
We give not information about what is in the reactor beside Ni, H.

* * *

A few mainstream media organizations are posting about this discovery. They are typically being very negative. Discovery and Popular Science are two magazines who have posted negative articles online. The skepticism in their articles is horrible. They automatically dismiss cold fusion when thousands of experiments have confirmed it exists.

In many of the subject areas I am interested in I have had to deal with pathological skepticism like this. My hope is this new cold fusion technology will launch as quickly as possible. With articles like these waiting two or three months for the 1 megawatt plant to open will drive me crazy.

If authorization issues stop the plant from opening I would urge you to find a nation somewhere which will allow you to quickly open a plant. If the Nuclear Regulatory Commission gives you any grief I would suggest you go into talks with China. I am sure they would pay a LOT of money to utilize this technology.

I bet a demonstration of the technology to a few top Chinese scientists would quickly result in an offer of billions of dollars for usage rights. China has more people than any other nation in the world and desperately needs a source of clean energy.


January 22nd, 2011 at 7:28 AM

I think that now is important to make plants which work regularly, so that chattering will vanish. When first cars appeared at the end of the 19th century nobody could believe horse’s era was over.

* * *

Sorry to write with another potential problem.

Someone has pointed out that even very small amounts of water (e.g. 1% by volume) have a large effect on the heat capacity (because this would be a large fraction by mass). And the capacitance change is related to the volume (and dielectric constant) of liquid water, not the mass.

So the error bars on the measurement of liquid water content are quite important, and it would be nice to know what the upper bound on liquid water content actually is (and alternative ways of determining heat content would be of value as well). I should say though that from the figures for input and output power even raising the water to boiling would imply over-unity.


January 22nd, 2011 at 7:41 AM

When we run the reactor with water, not steam, the measured power is the same as when we produce steam and I deem this is the proof of the correct measurement made with steam. We made many tests with water and the operation with steam has just confirmed the same efficiency.
1- We will continue our R&D program with the University of Bologna and we will continue to put online the not confidential data, comparing efficiency with steam vs with steam production 2- We are manufacturing in the USA a 1 MW plant and we will make a public presentation of it. As I always say, in this field we need production of facts and facts are working plants. We need WORKING PLANTS, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, THEORY IMPROVEMENT.
This is a lot of work, but we have just to do it.

* * *

Is your novel invention somehow related to Dr. Randell Mills (Blacklight Power, Inc.) hydrogen reactor based on hydrino reaction?
If not, do you see any possible relation with it?


January 22nd, 2011 at 8:15 AM

My method and technology is not at all related with the one you mentioned. If you read my patent (go to http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com and click on Patent) and the description of the method you mentioned, there is no relationship at all. This my statement is absolutely not a criticism agaist the other method, it is just a statement about the total difference between the two.

* * *

January 22nd, 2011 at 8:34 AM

The same Professors of the University of Bologna who made the test of the 14th of January, had made a preliminar test, closed doors, on the 17th of December 2010. During that preliminar test, made to check the idoneity of their instrumentation, being closed doors we could make a mode of operation that, for safety issues, I cannot make in public, it is they made the reactor go also without the drive of the electric resistance. This preliminar test will also be described in the report that will be published on monday. In that case, we had a production of energy, with no energy at all at the input. The same thing happened in tests we made for our Customers, in the USA and in Europe. You know what happens if you put any number upside a line of fraction and zero below the same line. This is why this mode is dangerous: before use it we need to know perfectly the theory. Where I need real help is the formulation of a solid theory; books can help, but up to a certain point, here is a new chapter to write. Less than all help comments of imbeciles (from Latin “imbacula”, not an offense at all) who just say “it is impossible” , turn around, and go.
Warm regards,
Useless to say that if you make just warmed water instead of steam the output energy calculated is the same.
Warm Regards,

* * *

What is the longest time you have been able to let a cell run without an input (self sustain mode)? What made the cell stop?

Have you taken any readings of the radioactive emissions inside of the cell?

Thanks for answering all of our questions.


January 22nd, 2011 at 9:38 AM

We used that extreme mode, closed doors, also for many hours, sometimes having troubles to stop the reactor. To stop the rreactor we cut the injection of hydrogen and increase the water flow to cool down the reactor.

* * *

First of all, I didn’t say the energy output would be the same for hot water or for steam, only that it would still be over unity (i.e. more than the input energy) in the former case.

I should like to make it clear that the comments I forwarded were from people sympathetic to cold fusion, as I am (if you follow the link to my web site you’ll see that I have made your demonstration my ‘link of the day’), and who would hope that they can be addressed satisfactorily. I have visited an number of CF labs, including that of Prof. Celani at Frascati, and have been favourably impressed with much of the evidence. The point however is that even experts have been known to overlook things and it is important to try to catch any problems before the real sceptics get to work. I myself was surprised to learn how even small amounts of liquid water have drastic effects.

No doubt your experts have taken this into account and I look forward to reading Dr. Levi’s account with the details. And if you can run the reactor in self-sustaining mode as you have described, that should settle people’s doubts.

Incidentally, there are (believe it or not) some experimentalists at Cambridge University who are very interested in the subject, and may have an interest in doing some of the backup research that you have mentioned.


January 22nd, 2011 at 8:48 PM

Thank you for your insight. By the way, your comments have been important. I am really interested to interact with your group to study on the theory. By the way: after the short test of Bologna, we decided that we will go ahead studying with the University of Bologna, through a Research Program, to indagate the reactions. We will make you acquainted with this research, for what concerns data which we can release, I mean data which we deem not confidential, at least until the patent is granted.

* * *

I was just wondering … does the reactor contain any radioactive materials before the reaction begins, or is all the radioactivity produced by the functioning of the apparatus itself?


January 22nd, 2011 at 8:49 PM

No radioactive material is in the reactor before.

* * *

I was expecting to find into the report some explanation on the system used to validate the data about water Input/ Steam Output. Unfortunately I do not see them into the report.

How was the amount of water transformed to Steam controlled?
Considering that the inflow rate of water for 1 hour of test would be less than 16 Lt, one might think that not all the water coming in was transformed into steam, but that it simply accumulated inside the reactor.

A proper setup should have a way to directly determine the quantity of steam coming out of the apparatus. An easyer and cheaper setup might be a simple digital balance placed under the reactor itself so to check the weight of the apparatus in the start of the experiment and, most important, “during” the experiment. This simple data can make a huge difference in your next pubblic demostration.

Do you have any data that was not disclosed that can clarify these points?


January 23rd, 2011 at 10:49 AM

The volume of the reactor is 1 liter.
If you read carefully the report you find all yuo are asking for.
In any case, soon we will have operative reactors of 1 MW at work 24 hours per day.
This will be our next public demo.

* * *

You wrote: “In any case, soon we will have operative reactors of 1 MW at work 24 hours per day.”

Do you mean 1 MW electric power generator? Or a 1 MW steam generator, for factory process heat?

I asked this before. Perhaps you answered but I do not see the answer.

A 1 MW electric power generator needs ~3 MW of heat.


January 23rd, 2011 at 4:48 PM


* * *

January 27th, 2011 at 5:26 PM

During the test of the 14th, before turning on the reactor the Professors who made the test have controlled the absence od exotic devices. By the way, they had tested previously the reactor one month before (see the report), to know better about it. By the way, we are manufacturing our 1 MW plant, which will go in operation pretty soon, 24 hours per day, so that all these considerations will be deleted. And the attempts we are fighting against to try to block the evolution of this tech will be deleted too.

* * *

Why do you need a continous heat input of 400W also during fusion reaction? The input electrical heater should then be obsolete when fusion starts?


January 27th, 2011 at 5:32 PM

Yes, but a continuous drive is necessary for safety issues.

* * *

January 27th, 2011 at 6:28 PM


* * *

I found it interesting that only hydrogen works in your system and not deuterium (in fact deuterium quenches the reaction). Perhaps a proton can tunnel into nickel(and a deuteron can not).


January 30th, 2011 at 10:52 AM

I too have your opinion about Deuterium.

* * *

As a nuclear engineer, judging by the information found on the internet (videos, translations from Italian, news articles & US patent regarding your recently demonstrated device) if what I’m reading is true (by whatever phenomenon or process it achieves xP), you may seriously need to do an environmental impact & life cycle analysis of your device before anything is sold world wide to laboratories, or to the public. In case you have been successful, I think you would be well advised to think through & prevent “possible” safety issues later. I certainly hope I’m wrong.


January 30th, 2011 at 11:03 AM

You are perfectly right. We are working hard on the issues you indicated, with Focardi and the University of Bologna.

* * *

About the 1MW reactor planned for october: is there any idea about where it will be located or it is a secret info?


January 30th, 2011 at 1:47 PM

As soon as possible we will give this information.

* * *

January 31st, 2011 at 4:46 AM

very important: the volume of the reactor, taken off the insulation and the shielding, is 1 liter.

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