Man on Bridges <> wrote:

> In most European languages (e.g. German, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish)
> 100,000 mg means actually 100.000 mg and vice versa.

I am reviewing these statements. I now think he meant there are milligram
level amounts of nuclear-active Ni. There is about ~100 g of Ni, but most of
it is inert. He says that is the best they can do with present technology.

It is awesome that 100 g of any material can produce 15 kW to 130 kW. If
only a tiny fraction of it -- a few milligrams -- is active, that goes
beyond awesome. It is either scary or unbelievable. What would happen if you
managed to activate, let us say, 1 ton of the stuff? That would produce the
kind of power you want for an interstellar space probe.

Storms also says that most of material is inert in his new paper:

- Jed

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