Michele Comitini <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Since the claim is a 200 ratio for out/in  the following simple
> components could be used besides the E-cat,  H2 gas tank and  control
> box:
> 1) a (sealed) room without power outlet.
> 2) a number of car batteries that can provide the necessary but
> limited amount of energy

This is not necessary. Power meters can be relied upon. Normal scientific
instruments and procedures should be used to test this device. Carl Sagan
was wrong. Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary proof. They are
best supported with ordinary evidence from off-the-shelf instruments and
standard techniques. (M&R)

A test with batteries would be "showboating" in my opinion. It would be
giving the skeptics and their unrealistic doubts more respect than they

It is physically impossible for the wire used in this device to conduct more
than ~3 kW. The wire would melt. Years ago, plug in electric heaters drew ~3
kW and the wires became very hot. Those were thick wires. Heaters nowadays
are limited to 1.5 kW, or 12.5 amps.

To be specific, from the photos I take this to be: 18 AWG, 1.0 mm, 2.3 max
amps transmission, 16 amps chassis wiring. ("Chassis wiring" means a short
stretch of uninsulated wiring inside a machine.)

See: Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas


It is preposterous to suggest that you could use this wire to conduct 16 kW
at any voltage. Furthermore, Levi looked inside the box at the control
electronics and found only "5 simple PLC" (programmable logic control). Such
devices are rated at one power level and will not work at far higher levels.
They would burn up, along with the wire.

Fletcher's scenarios are "Just So Stories" meaning that in real life we can
dismiss them. The devices he describes are physically impossible. The people
and instruments in his stories would have to react precisely the way he
imagines they might -- the slightest variation in their actions or use of
instruments would instantly reveal the fake nature of the device. One glance
in the wrong direction, one touch of the wrong component, and all would be
revealed. The observers would have to be hypnotized to follow Rossi's every

His scenario demands that 50 or more highly experienced engineers and
scientists suddenly forget how to do experiments, and how to take
rudimentary common sense steps such as holding their hand briefly over the
device to confirm it is radiating heat, and over the outlet tube to
determine that it is warm. Three of the observers in the January 14 test
assured me they did check the tube, and it was too hot to touch, therefore
the reactor was definitely producing the level of heat the instruments

The outlet tube would be stone cold in the scenarios Fletcher imagines.

His scenarios also assumes that Rossi is a lunatic who has spent €1 million
to produce a fake that will be completely revealed soon when they open up
the cell and look inside.

- Jed

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