next time they can connect an espesso machine. Everyone will enjoy a
great coffee: the little metallic flawor from Cu should give a great
result ;-)


2011/4/17 Jones Beene <>:
> Hey Alan,
> All this talk about ways to fake the Rossi experiment got me to thinking
> about a clever way which may not have been mentioned – or maybe I overlooked
> it if it was covered already.
> Was hydrogen peroxide mentioned? And/or did anyone actually *taste the
> water* in the first test ?
> BTW I do not think this demo was a scam, but this scheme could be worth
> mentioning.
> It was not generally known at the time in January, but has been mentioned
> since then - that the demonstration took place at a factory owned by
> Leonardo. If he wanted to scam, Rossi could have altered the plumbing to one
> faucet in that room only - to deliver a combustible clear liquid to fill the
> containers. He may have filled the containers in the presence of the
> assembled Professors, before the video started - so nobody would have given
> a second thought it could be anything but eau de municipal.
> As I recall no one in Italy willing drinks tap water, but in the interest of
> science – it could have happened. Hopefully we will hear that some brave
> soul had the foresight (courage) to try to drink a bit of it – so that we
> can eliminated this possibility too. If not, this opens up a way to get
> quite a bit of combustible volume into play – more than the one liter.
> As you may know, there has been a major effort in China to convert coal to
> liquid fuel – it is called CTL. Usually it is mixed alcohols. One company
> which has done this remarkably well is known as the “Shenzhen Group”. I have
> seen a video of a product that is colorless, odorless and water-based that
> burns completely as if was alcohol, but does not have the volatile odor like
> alcohol. In fact it was developed to be used indoors for heating and cooking
> in open kerosene type heaters which are common all over Asia. The biggest
> selling point is no smell and near zero monoxide - and this could be due to
> peroxide content.
> Of course, anything over 30% peroxide would be the perfect scam since it
> converts directly to steam. However, peroxide itself has a slightly
> different appearance, so it would need to be a new kind of blend.
> Rossi would know of this, as EON his other company - is in the alternative
> fuel business.
> Ever hear of the Swiss Rocket Man ?
> Sorry to bother you, if this has been covered.
> Jones

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