Mark Iverson <> wrote:

 Items 5 and 7 are not fitting with the details that Rossi has stated, which
> is that he ONLY receives money when the plant is producing energy... so
> there is no "up-front cash".  Don't think that the scenario is consistent
> with first-hand information...

My impression is that Jones Beene made up this scenario, as a hypothetical.
It is another "Just So Story." As such, it is harmless.

In real life, this scenario cannot be squared with the fact that tests at U.
Bologna are continuing, and units will probably be delivered to universities
in Sweden. Obviously, any tricks would be revealed by these tests. Rossi is
not going to install 50-ton tanks of chemicals in these universities.

None of the tricks listed by Alan Fletcher would survive these tests either.
Most of them would be detected in a few minutes by any half-awake
person. Some of them are interesting mind-experiments, but in real life we
can rule them out. Fletcher's speculation is harmless too, but it causes a
minor annoyance: some of the skeptics take these ideas seriously. The
Wikipedia article on the E-Cat now has a pointer to them.

We cannot blame Fletcher for what skeptics do. They will find any number of
reasons to deny this. I expect they will soon erase the Wikipedia article.
They do not matter.

- Jed

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