All: Now that the emotional vortex has subsided... Funny, so have the atmospheric vortices in the southeast USA! Nah... No possible connection there... Right?
I share Jones' frustration in that here we have what is very likely a valid new discovery that we've ALL been waiting for, for decades, and being worried that it is still vulnerable to control or suppression by very powerful entities. I'm less worried each day because there are a lot of details we do have, and there are many very bright, passionate people with principles and integrity that will make this happen regardless of what happens to Rossi's efforts... i.e., the cat's out of the bag and it ain't gonna let anyone stuff it back in! ;-) Keep this in mind: Let's not lose site of the fact that all our collective analysis seems to conclude that, despite differences of opinion on some of the details, we're on the verge of a whole new branch of physics, and technologies that will greatly help the overall condition of people on the planet... I want to look out across the Truckee Meadows here in Reno, and see how crystal clear it is EVERY day, not just some days. What's even more amazing is that this global revolution could all transpire in less than a year.. from initial public demo to commercial validation! What other global game changing technology in the history of civilization happened so fast??? Jed, how long did it take the Wright Bros to go from first controlled flight to commercial use? Years at least... A decade? On a side note... Perhaps we should do a correlation study of emotional outbreaks in the Vort collective and tornado activity in the US... You know, a butterfly flaps its wings here, and triggers a sequence of events that result in a tornado over there! -Mark