On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>   BTW – Stiffler was NOT hiding the ground looping problem, and continues
> to try to push it to the limits. I have not talked to him in years but he
> posts his results to YouTube. Recently it appears he has been able to get a
> surprising amount of voltage and LED light emission from only a ground
> connection:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXYY7TqS380
> Can you do anything close to that? If nothing else, the electricity grid
> suppliers of the world should take note of whatever is going on here.
> Needless to say they will be taking note of Rossi even if the COP in Sweden
> turns out to be 10 (my guess) instead of Rothwell’s 1000+.

Nice to see Stiffler is still at work with his SEC & LEDs. It's interesting
that CLaNZeR was able to sort out a HD video cam and good productions for
his videos, yet Stiffler is still waving webcams around and all sound is
distorted. Weird stuffs.

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