Let me add my two cents:

If Rossi's e-Cat reactor core can regularly sustain temperatures of
500c or higher, water that is in contact with the reactor core's
surface FOR LONG ENOUGH PERIODS will most certainly exceed
temperatures 100.1 C, and by quite a large margin.

However, the tick would be to keep the water that has just been
transformed into steam contained long enough AT the e-cat reactor
core's surface so that it has the chance to absorb the additional
heat. Currently this doesn't happen. It's my understanding that the
current Rossi prototypes (perhaps for demonstration purposes) do not
appear to be built in such a way as to physically contain the
transformed steam.  It's not designed to behave like a pressure
cooker! The water immediately after it has been transformed into steam
quickly expands. The steam quickly shoots out the exhaust pipe - i.e.
the infamous black hose. IOW, the steam doesn't have a chance to hang
around long enough to absorb additional heat and subsequently increase
in temperature much above 100.1 C.

Some on this list may still recall several months ago the fact that
there was a protracted argument precisely based on this specific steam
temperature issue. Some argued: WHY was the steam only measured to be
100.1 C when it exited out of the black hose, especially if the e-Cat
reactor was claimed to be hundreds of degrees higher. Because the
exiting steam temperature seemed to be rigidly fixed at 100.1 C some
on this list became absolutely convinced Rossi was involved in a scam
operation. However further experiments have proven that such concerns
appear to be groundless, particularly (and ironically) when
experimenters increased the water flow to show a simple 5 degree
temperature increase. (More accurate calometric measurements
resulted.) Hopefully, we won't have to revisit that protracted
argument again.

IOW, I doubt Rossi's e-cats, if engineered properly, would have a
problem raising steam to significantly higher temperatures than 100.1

Steven Vincent Johnson

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