At 02:26 PM 5/22/2011, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
You up for the job, Abd?

Well, depends on what you mean by "up." I'm overcommitted. I'm qualified, yes, but the reality is that as a solo project, it probably will not happen. I can participate, and might even, in some sense, lead. But alone.... been there, done that, too many times. Unstable, unreliable.

We'll see. I'm in communication with other Wikipedia critics, but I may be the only one with a practical vision of, indeed, how it could be done better. That vision was partly expressed before I was even aware that there was a continuing controversy on cold fusion. (I described it to another Wikipedia with far more experience than I, he got excited and proposed it ... and was promptly banned. That was educational....) I was a Wikipedian first and only later interested in CF.

They (a certain faction) came after me, not because of cold fusion, that was just an excuse, they came after me because I had confronted administrative abuse, first in the realm of Climate Change (where, ironically, my own point of view was probably close to that of the abusive administrators), then with regard to an abusive blacklisting of Pure process concern.

Then I started reading the article and checking on sources, etc....

Holy **** ....

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