>From Abd,

I have only read part of your post, but what I have read, I felt compelled
to comment on the following...


> >First I would like to mention that Professor
> >Sven Kullander - who is chairman of The Royal
> >Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy committee,
> >since the beginning of the year - is also a
> >professor emeritus in my research group at
> >Uppsala University. He sits in the room next to
> >mine so Rossi's experiment has come up every
> >time we have met in recent weeks. I always try
> >to be as critical as possible, but at the same
> >time it is exciting to be pretty close to the
> >center of something that is either a hoax or
> >something new and exciting. There are scientists
> >who criticize Sven for associating himself with
> >the experiment, but also many that think he is
> >doing the right thing. As scientists we have a
> >responsibility to investigate whether a reported
> >phenomenon is real or a hoax. Sven's involvement
> >is quite natural since he is chairman of the
> >KVA's energy committee, but if anyone thinks
> >that he has simply accepted the results then
> >they are completely wrong. By attending and
> >examining the experiment, he also has the
> >opportunity to confirm or reject. As a
> >researcher, you want an explanation for what is
> >happening and right now there appears to be no
> >suitable explanation with the knowledge we
> >currently have in chemistry and physics. This
> >means that it may be entirely new physics that
> >must be explained or it may be a scam that
> > must be explained and exposed.
> And Cude's comment on Mats Lewan, the Ny Teknik
> reporter (highly qualified and professional), is
> simply an evidence-free cheap shot. I've seen
> nothing but professional work from Lewan, but
> Cude, anonymous, can say whatever he likes, and
> it won't fall back on him. If Lewan screws up,
> it's his livelihood. Cude is a coward, hiding
> behind his anonymity. I have a suspicion who he
> is, but .... I don't know that for sure, not yet.
> Cude continues:


And then you cite how Cude gets the temperature measurements backwards.

Abd, it is my hope that Cude becomes acutely aware of you and your obsessive
analysis of Cude Speak.

If anyone can instill the FOG (Fear-Of-God) within the psyches of those who
believe they alone are championing the true ideals of "Science" - with a
goal of causing others to take notice of their analytical prowess, I suspect
someone possessed with your unique arsenal of obsessive analytical skills
will do just fine. (With appropriate apologies to the resident atheists on
this list.)

I know of those who after encountering you have taken to fear you so
profoundly they refuse to speak your name.

It's very silly. But hey! It's their trip.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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