On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Jouni Valkonen <jounivalko...@gmail.com>wrote:

valkonen> in my knowledge Rossi has never had an urge to demonstrate

and convince anybody.

In your knowledge? That's not really very persuasive. He says that, sure, so
that he has an excuse when the demo sucks, as they all have so far, with the
possible exception of the secret one.

> January demo was just Focardi's idea and it was

in relation to the fact that Levi is right now running research

program at University of Bologna. And University of Upsala will join

soon if not already joined.

Rossi claimed the January demo was done under protest (his). I have not seen
similar claims for the other demos. Those seem more voluntary. But then, I
stopped reading the comments on his blog. Too inane.

> Of course there is one billion way to fake short demonstrations, but I

will tell you that accusing faulty thermometers for measuring dryness

of steam, is not the easiest way!

I have not accused faulty thermometers. I have suggested the bp is elevated
inside the conduit so the temperature reading, as reported, do not indicate
dry steam. On the contrary, they indicate the presence of liquid.

> Rossi does not even want too much publicity, because this way he has

more time to work.

Sure. If you believe him. But why would you? He's been caught in so many
lies, I find it amazing people pay attention to what he says. Now, what he
does is another matter, but unfortunately, so far, there is nothing of note
there either.

> And as he is the head of Leonardo Corporation who

will manufacture E-Cats for American market I am sure that he has

other ambitions than to convince those who suffer from pathological


Obviously. His marks are the pathological believers. I think the reason he
would prefer to keep a rather low profile is to avoid any serious scrutiny
from real skeptics. At the current level, he is only attracting the true
believers like flies to honey. The ones who don't seem to think it's
necessary to monitor *flow* in a *flow* calorimeter.  (Oh, and the likes of
me who enjoy the sport, and have too much time on their hands.)

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