Jones Beene <> wrote:

It may be tough for LENR proponents to swallow, but they better start
> getting used to the likelihood that this Ni-H effect is NOT nuclear.

As a long time proponent, let me say that I do not give a fart whether the
Ni-H effect is nuclear or green cheese, as long as it produces far more
energy than chemistry with no pollution. It is hard to imagine any issue
less important than whether it is nuclear or some sort of Mills effect, or
something completely unknown. As long as it works, what difference does it
make what it is?

Ahern is getting zero counts above background and no transmutation, but with
> excess heat that would ordinarily indicate something non-chemical. Neither
> are others seeing any radioactivity. That is a mixed blessing.

No, it's wonderful! We don't want radioactivity.

Industrial scale transmutation would be nice, but if energy is all it
produces, that's fine.

- Jed

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